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Hibernation By Lindsey Harrison.

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Presentation on theme: "Hibernation By Lindsey Harrison."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hibernation By Lindsey Harrison

2 Autumn As the weather gets colder, leaves start falling from the trees and some animals start getting ready to hibernate. Hibernation is when an animal goes to …..


4 Which animals hibernate?
Hibernation is a time when some animals go to sleep, they sleep all of the way through the winter. Can you guess which animals hibernate? Can you guess which animals hibernate? Which animals hibernate?

5 Why do animals hibernate
Why do animals hibernate? Animals hibernate because in winter time there is not much food to eat and it is very, very cold. The animals make nice, warm places to sleep and have some food stored away for when they wake up. When the animals wake up it will be spring time. The weather will be warmer and there will be plenty of food to eat.

6 OOPS! Try again!

7 OOPS! Try again! Oh dear 2

8 Animals who hibernate do NOT eat and do NOT freeze
Animals who hibernate do NOT eat and do NOT freeze. All they do is sleep, until spring.

9 Which animals do you think wake up from hibernating in spring?


11 WELL DONE! Well done 2

12 Well done everyone. You now know about hibernation
Well done everyone! You now know about hibernation! Shall we all pretend to be bears and go to sleep! The end!

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