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Mean Shift Theory and Applications

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Presentation on theme: "Mean Shift Theory and Applications"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mean Shift Theory and Applications
Yaron Ukrainitz & Bernard Sarel

2 Agenda Mean Shift Theory What is Mean Shift ?
Density Estimation Methods Deriving the Mean Shift Mean shift properties Applications Clustering Discontinuity Preserving Smoothing Object Contour Detection Segmentation Object Tracking

3 Mean Shift Theory

4 Intuitive Description
Region of interest Center of mass Mean Shift vector Objective : Find the densest region Distribution of identical billiard balls

5 Intuitive Description
Region of interest Center of mass Mean Shift vector Objective : Find the densest region Distribution of identical billiard balls

6 Intuitive Description
Region of interest Center of mass Mean Shift vector Objective : Find the densest region Distribution of identical billiard balls

7 Intuitive Description
Region of interest Center of mass Mean Shift vector Objective : Find the densest region Distribution of identical billiard balls

8 Intuitive Description
Region of interest Center of mass Mean Shift vector Objective : Find the densest region Distribution of identical billiard balls

9 Intuitive Description
Region of interest Center of mass Mean Shift vector Objective : Find the densest region Distribution of identical billiard balls

10 Intuitive Description
Region of interest Center of mass Objective : Find the densest region Distribution of identical billiard balls

11 Density GRADIENT Estimation
What is Mean Shift ? A tool for: Finding modes in a set of data samples, manifesting an underlying probability density function (PDF) in RN PDF in feature space Color space Scale space Actually any feature space you can conceive Non-parametric Density Estimation Data Discrete PDF Representation Non-parametric Density GRADIENT Estimation (Mean Shift) PDF Analysis

12 Non-Parametric Density Estimation
Assumption : The data points are sampled from an underlying PDF Data point density implies PDF value ! Assumed Underlying PDF Real Data Samples

13 Non-Parametric Density Estimation
Assumed Underlying PDF Real Data Samples

14 Non-Parametric Density Estimation
? Assumed Underlying PDF Real Data Samples

15 Parametric Density Estimation
Assumption : The data points are sampled from an underlying PDF Estimate Assumed Underlying PDF Real Data Samples

16 Kernel Density Estimation Parzen Windows - Function Forms
A function of some finite number of data points x1…xn Data In practice one uses the forms: or Same function on each dimension Function of vector length only

17 Kernel Density Estimation Various Kernels
A function of some finite number of data points x1…xn Data Examples: Epanechnikov Kernel Uniform Kernel Normal Kernel

18 Kernel Density Estimation
Gradient Give up estimating the PDF ! Estimate ONLY the gradient Using the Kernel form: We get : Size of window

19 Kernel Density Estimation
Computing The Mean Shift Gradient

20 Computing The Mean Shift
Yet another Kernel density estimation ! Simple Mean Shift procedure: Compute mean shift vector Translate the Kernel window by m(x)

21 Mean Shift Mode Detection
What happens if we reach a saddle point ? Perturb the mode position and check if we return back Updated Mean Shift Procedure: Find all modes using the Simple Mean Shift Procedure Prune modes by perturbing them (find saddle points and plateaus) Prune nearby – take highest mode in the window

22 Mean Shift Properties Automatic convergence speed – the mean shift vector size depends on the gradient itself. Near maxima, the steps are small and refined Convergence is guaranteed for infinitesimal steps only  infinitely convergent, (therefore set a lower bound) For Uniform Kernel ( ), convergence is achieved in a finite number of steps Normal Kernel ( ) exhibits a smooth trajectory, but is slower than Uniform Kernel ( ). Adaptive Gradient Ascent

23 Real Modality Analysis
Tessellate the space with windows Run the procedure in parallel

24 Real Modality Analysis
The blue data points were traversed by the windows towards the mode

25 Real Modality Analysis An example
Window tracks signify the steepest ascent directions

26 Mean Shift Strengths & Weaknesses
Application independent tool Suitable for real data analysis Does not assume any prior shape (e.g. elliptical) on data clusters Can handle arbitrary feature spaces Only ONE parameter to choose h (window size) has a physical meaning, unlike K-Means Weaknesses : The window size (bandwidth selection) is not trivial Inappropriate window size can cause modes to be merged, or generate additional “shallow” modes  Use adaptive window size

27 Mean Shift Applications

28 Clustering Cluster : All data points in the attraction basin of a mode
Attraction basin : the region for which all trajectories lead to the same mode Mean Shift : A robust Approach Toward Feature Space Analysis, by Comaniciu, Meer

29 Clustering Synthetic Examples
Simple Modal Structures Complex Modal Structures

30 Clustering Real Example
Feature space: L*u*v representation Initial window centers Modes found Modes after pruning Final clusters

31 Clustering Real Example
L*u*v space representation

32 Clustering Real Example
2D (L*u) space representation Final clusters Not all trajectories in the attraction basin reach the same mode

33 Discontinuity Preserving Smoothing
Feature space : Joint domain = spatial coordinates + color space Meaning : treat the image as data points in the spatial and gray level domain Image Data (slice) Mean Shift vectors Smoothing result Mean Shift : A robust Approach Toward Feature Space Analysis, by Comaniciu, Meer

34 Discontinuity Preserving Smoothing
Flat regions induce the modes ! y z

35 Discontinuity Preserving Smoothing
The effect of window size in spatial and range spaces

36 Discontinuity Preserving Smoothing Example

37 Discontinuity Preserving Smoothing Example

38 Object Contour Detection Ray Propagation
Accurately segment various objects (rounded in nature) in medical images Vessel Detection by Mean Shift Based Ray Propagation, by Tek, Comaniciu, Williams

39 Object Contour Detection Ray Propagation
Use displacement data to guide ray propagation Discontinuity preserving smoothing Displacement vectors Vessel Detection by Mean Shift Based Ray Propagation, by Tek, Comaniciu, Williams

40 Object Contour Detection Ray Propagation
Speed function Normal to the contour Curvature

41 Object Contour Detection
Gray levels along red line Gray levels after smoothing Original image Displacement vectors Displacement vectors’ derivative

42 Object Contour Detection Example

43 Object Contour Detection Example
Importance of smoothing by curvature

44 Segmentation Segment = Cluster, or Cluster of Clusters Algorithm:
Run Filtering (discontinuity preserving smoothing) Cluster the clusters which are closer than window size Image Data (slice) Mean Shift vectors Smoothing result Segmentation result Mean Shift : A robust Approach Toward Feature Space Analysis, by Comaniciu, Meer

45 Segmentation Example …when feature space is only gray levels…

46 Segmentation Example

47 Segmentation Example

48 Segmentation Example

49 Segmentation Example

50 Segmentation Example

51 Segmentation Example

52 Non-Rigid Object Tracking

53 Mean-Shift Object Tracking General Framework: Target Representation
Choose a reference model in the current frame Choose a feature space Represent the model in the chosen feature space Current frame

54 Mean-Shift Object Tracking General Framework: Target Localization
Start from the position of the model in the current frame Search in the model’s neighborhood in next frame Find best candidate by maximizing a similarity func. Repeat the same process in the next pair of frames Current frame Model Candidate

55 Mean-Shift Object Tracking Target Representation
Choose a reference target model Represent the model by its PDF in the feature space Quantized Color Space Choose a feature space Kernel Based Object Tracking, by Comaniniu, Ramesh, Meer

56 Mean-Shift Object Tracking PDF Representation
Target Model (centered at 0) Target Candidate (centered at y) Similarity Function:

57 Mean-Shift Object Tracking Finding the PDF of the target model
model y candidate Target pixel locations A differentiable, isotropic, convex, monotonically decreasing kernel Peripheral pixels are affected by occlusion and background interference The color bin index (1..m) of pixel x Probability of feature u in model Probability of feature u in candidate Normalization factor Pixel weight Normalization factor Pixel weight

58 Mean-Shift Object Tracking Similarity Function
Target model: Target candidate: Similarity function: 1 The Bhattacharyya Coefficient

59 Mean-Shift Object Tracking Target Localization Algorithm
Start from the position of the model in the current frame Search in the model’s neighborhood in next frame Find best candidate by maximizing a similarity func.

60 Mean-Shift Object Tracking Approximating the Similarity Function
Model location: Candidate location: Linear approx. (around y0) Independent of y Density estimate! (as a function of y)

61 Mean-Shift Object Tracking Maximizing the Similarity Function
The mode of = sought maximum Important Assumption: One mode in the searched neighborhood The target representation provides sufficient discrimination

62 Mean-Shift Object Tracking Applying Mean-Shift
The mode of = sought maximum Original Mean-Shift: Find mode of using Extended Mean-Shift: Find mode of using

63 Mean-Shift Object Tracking About Kernels and Profiles
A special class of radially symmetric kernels: The profile of kernel K Extended Mean-Shift: Find mode of using

64 Mean-Shift Object Tracking Choosing the Kernel
A special class of radially symmetric kernels: Epanechnikov kernel: Uniform kernel: Extended Mean-Shift:

65 Mean-Shift Object Tracking Adaptive Scale
Problem: The scale of the target changes in time The scale (h) of the kernel must be adapted Solution: Run localization 3 times with different h Choose h that achieves maximum similarity

66 Mean-Shift Object Tracking Results
Feature space: 161616 quantized RGB Target: manually selected on 1st frame Average mean-shift iterations: 4

67 Mean-Shift Object Tracking Results
Partial occlusion Distraction Motion blur

68 Mean-Shift Object Tracking Results

69 Mean-Shift Object Tracking Results
Feature space: 128128 quantized RG

70 Mean-Shift Object Tracking The Scale Selection Problem
Kernel too big Poor localization h mustn’t get too big or too small! Kernel too small Problem: In uniformly colored regions, similarity is invariant to h Smaller h may achieve better similarity Nothing keeps h from shrinking too small!

71 Tracking Through Scale Space Motivation
Spatial localization for several scales Simultaneous localization in space and scale Previous method This method Mean-shift Blob Tracking through Scale Space, by R. Collins

72 Lindeberg’s Theory Selecting the best scale for describing image features
x y σ Scale-space representation Differential operator applied 50 strongest responses

73 Lindeberg’s Theory The Laplacian operator for selecting blob-like features
2D LOG filter with scale σ Laplacian of Gaussian (LOG) Scale-space representation x y σ 3D scale-space representation Best features are at (x,σ) that maximize L

74 Lindeberg’s Theory Multi-Scale Feature Selection Process
250 strongest responses (Large circle = large scale) Maximize 3D scale-space function Convolve Original Image

75 Tracking Through Scale Space Approximating LOG using DOG
2D LOG filter with scale σ 2D DOG filter with scale σ 2D Gaussian with μ=0 and scale σ 2D Gaussian with μ=0 and scale 1.6σ Why DOG? Gaussian pyramids are created faster Gaussian can be used as a mean-shift kernel DOG filters at multiple scales 3D spatial kernel Scale-space filter bank

76 Tracking Through Scale Space Using Lindeberg’s Theory
Weight image 3D spatial kernel (DOG) Centered at current location and scale 1D scale kernel (Epanechnikov) 3D scale-space representation Modes are blobs in the scale-space neighborhood Model: Candidate: Color bin: at Pixel weight: Recall: Need a mean-shift procedure that finds local modes in E(x,σ) The likelihood that each candidate pixel belongs to the target

77 Tracking Through Scale Space Example
Image of 3 blobs A slice through the 3D scale-space representation

78 Tracking Through Scale Space Applying Mean-Shift
Use interleaved spatial/scale mean-shift Spatial stage: Scale stage: Fix σ and look for the best x Fix x and look for the best σ x σ x0 σ0 xopt σopt Iterate stages until convergence of x and σ

79 Tracking Through Scale Space Results
Fixed-scale ± 10% scale adaptation Tracking through scale space

80 Thank You

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