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Staffordshire Mental Health Helpline

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Presentation on theme: "Staffordshire Mental Health Helpline"— Presentation transcript:

1 Staffordshire Mental Health Helpline
1. Your personal experience matters and will be useful to you on understanding and learning throughout this course. 2. You will be asked to reflect on your experiences and use these models to understand things 3. You will not be asked to divulge any personal information you do not wish to 4. Chatham House rules apply. No one repeats to anyone outside this room what is said by whom 1

2 FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Do you know someone who is stressed, anxious, Isolated, feeling, suicidal? The Staffordshire Mental Health Helpline is here to offer: a listening ear, emotional support and information

3 How to contact - (answer machine available 24/7)
Telephone : FREE Text : FREE Instant message:

4 The Helpline service is…
FREE to contact from landlines, mobiles and call boxes Confidential Anonymous Out of hours – seven Monday-Friday 7pm to 2am and Weekends 2pm to 2am Open every day of the year Staffordshire wide service Funded by the local CCG’s, NHS, and local councils Encourage a discussion based on their experiences (either personally or as a teacher). Other resources can be issued at this point and used as a basis for discussions: Identifying Inequality (Ref H9001) 1 page of information regarding inequality, with a table of 10 primary and 18 secondary characteristics Learner Differences (Ref H9002) 1 page of information regarding learner differences, with a table of 36 examples Ways to Promote and Advance Equality (Ref H9003) 1 page table of approximately 30 examples ranging from marketing through to evaluation Equality and Diversity – Glossary of Terms (Ref I9011) 5 page glossary of approximately Quality assured by the Helplines Partnership G0007A (V5) Copyright Ann Gravells

5 Information/ Signposting
What do we offer? Listening support Emotional support Information/ Signposting Equality Commission for Northern Ireland: Database of information G0007A (V5) Copyright Ann Gravells

6 Who can the access the Staffordshire Mental Health Helpline
 Anyone aged 18 and over living in Staffordshire Carers, friends, relatives, family, staff – anyone One of crisis – i.e. Relationships, finance, health Ongoing support – i.e. self-harm, risk of suicide Examples of the protected characteristics are: Age: older people, younger people. Disability: physical or sensory impairments, mental health difficulties, long term medical, conditions, learning difficulties, neuro diverse conditions such as dyslexia, autism, tourettes or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). For an impairment to be a disability, its effect on normal day-to-activities must be substantial. The Equality Act 2010 now defines substantial to mean more than minor or trivial. Sex: male, female. Gender reassignment: transsexual people, transgender people, men and women with transsexual history, or in the process of becoming an transsexual person. Marriage and civil partnership: married people, people in a civil partnership, single people. Pregnancy and maternity: pregnant women, people on maternity leave, women who have recently given birth. Race: colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, heritage. Religion or belief: people from different faith groups, people with a philosophical belief, people with no religion or belief. Sexual orientation: gay and lesbian people, bisexual people, heterosexual/straight people. When preparing teaching materials and resources, ensure representations of people with protected characteristics are used, as well as those without. All nine protected characteristics are covered in the employment duties of the Act. However, the protected characteristic of marriage and civil partnerships is not included in the education duties of the Act. G0007A (V5) Copyright Ann Gravells

7 The Helpline services No referral required for the ‘ring in’ service
‘Ring-Out’ service – Operates Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, accessed by a professional referral as part of a care plane , provides on-going support at an agreed time/ day service, response with 24 hours Text service, response when open usually within 30 minutes for initial contact Support call service – Offers support from the night the referral is received for unto 7 days Encourage a discussion or group activity based on learner differences. Examples of differences include: ability, age, belief, colour, class, clothing, confidence, culture, disability (physical or mental), domestic circumstances, educational background, ethnic origin, experience, gender, intelligence, nationality, physical characteristics, race, religion, sexual orientation, social class, talent, wealth etc A more comprehensive list can be found in Gravells A & Simpson S (2012) Equality and Diversity in the Lifelong Learning Sector London SAGE Learning Matters G0007A (V5) Copyright Ann Gravells

8 Promotion… The service is promoted across Staffordshire
Manager/Promotions team able to attend drop in sessions , staff meetings, events, and local groups to engage with staff and customers to inform of the services offered and obtain feedback with regards to the service and improvements Explain: The term promoting was previously used in discrimination legislation, this has been replaced with the word advancing – the intention being to move forward, to get somewhere and for learners to achieve. Explain how they must be careful not to indulge the minority, to the detriment of the majority. When teaching, always include learners in relevant activities during sessions, and throughout the full learning process, rather than excluding anyone for any reason. The best way to ensure this is to ask them what they need. If asked, learners will usually say what their needs are, whether that is from a religious or cultural point of view, or if they have a particular need in terms of a disability or otherwise. However, it's difficult to help learners if they don't state any specific issues, needs or concerns they might have. Try and ascertain what a learner can do rather than what they can’t do. However, any adjustments to the learning process would have to be reasonable, and not seen as favouritsm by other learners. G0007A (V5) Copyright Ann Gravells

9 The Facts … 1 in 4 adults suffer with mental health issues
Population of 1.6 million – Staffordshire wide (estimate) 2000+ contacts per month to the Helpline Average 70 suicide related calls per month Statistics are produced collating information such as gender, age, presenting issues, and geographical location. All information is anonymised and reported on each month Explain: The term promoting was previously used in discrimination legislation, this has been replaced with the word advancing – the intention being to move forward, to get somewhere and for learners to achieve. Explain how they must be careful not to indulge the minority, to the detriment of the majority. When teaching, always include learners in relevant activities during sessions, and throughout the full learning process, rather than excluding anyone for any reason. The best way to ensure this is to ask them what they need. If asked, learners will usually say what their needs are, whether that is from a religious or cultural point of view, or if they have a particular need in terms of a disability or otherwise. However, it's difficult to help learners if they don't state any specific issues, needs or concerns they might have. Try and ascertain what a learner can do rather than what they can’t do. However, any adjustments to the learning process would have to be reasonable, and not seen as favouritsm by other learners. G0007A (V5) Copyright Ann Gravells

10 How to contact - (answer machine available 24/7)
Telephone : FREE Text : FREE Instant message:

11 Any questions Thank you. Explain:
The term promoting was previously used in discrimination legislation, this has been replaced with the word advancing – the intention being to move forward, to get somewhere and for learners to achieve. Explain how they must be careful not to indulge the minority, to the detriment of the majority. When teaching, always include learners in relevant activities during sessions, and throughout the full learning process, rather than excluding anyone for any reason. The best way to ensure this is to ask them what they need. If asked, learners will usually say what their needs are, whether that is from a religious or cultural point of view, or if they have a particular need in terms of a disability or otherwise. However, it's difficult to help learners if they don't state any specific issues, needs or concerns they might have. Try and ascertain what a learner can do rather than what they can’t do. However, any adjustments to the learning process would have to be reasonable, and not seen as favouritsm by other learners. G0007A (V5) Copyright Ann Gravells

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