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Learning Objective Today your learning objective is to learn the importance of one simple machine. You know you are successful if you can name the machine,

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objective Today your learning objective is to learn the importance of one simple machine. You know you are successful if you can name the machine,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objective Today your learning objective is to learn the importance of one simple machine. You know you are successful if you can name the machine, what it is useful for and where this machine can be found in the world around us.

2 Real-World Scenario You need to move an incredibly heavy rock a distance of almost a kilometre.

3 Your tools Your team only has a collection of cylinders to help you move the rock.

4 Your Task You have been given the task of moving the heavy rock over a far distance. Your crew of movers are strong enough to lift part of the object, however you cannot lift and walk at the same time. You have a collection of cylinders to help you. What can you design to help you move this giant object?

5 Task Using the whiteboard papers, your team needs to create a plan to move your base ten cube (large rock) the distance of your table, using the least amount of energy possible. Once your design is complete, you need to gather your supplies to begin testing your plan. Remember you may need to redesign multiple times before you are satisfied with your machine. It’s not cheating if you share with other groups. Lets take a look at what others have designed. Lets watch people test theirs. What can we learn from our group and other groups?


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