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Cognitive Developmental Approaches

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Presentation on theme: "Cognitive Developmental Approaches"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cognitive Developmental Approaches
K. Chartier Overall Planning Pedagogy: Which best practice elements and target population? Design: What media will be integrated? Learners/Environment: Non-traditional students at a Community College. Can be used online or in a traditional classroom setting. Presentation Narration: Hi Class, today we will be covering Chapter 6-Cognitive Developmental Approaches. We will be taking a closer look at Piaget and Vygotsky’s ideas about the topic. As you remember we got to know their theories a little bit earlier in the semester but today I’d like for you to think more about how these ideas relate to cognitive development across the lifespan. The learning goals for this presentation are: I hope you all enjoy this presentation. If you have any questions please me. Have a great day.

2 As you watch the following video answer the following questions:
What are schemes? What Assimilation/Accommodation Activity What are some real life examples of Assimilation and Accommodation? What is organization? Explain the conflict. Pedagogy: Know, learn, understand and explain concepts. Questions prepare students to learn material. Targets visual learners. Design: None *Some content edits have been made in SL2. Transition effects added between slides. Learner Will: Remember concepts from prior reading then identify these concepts in the following video. If I had e-access to their text I would link it here but I don’t  Piaget

3 Video-Piaget concepts
Pedagogy: Demonstrates concepts. Audio/Visual. Students see concepts in real life settings. Videos will help motivate students to remember difficult/confusing concepts. Design: Media-Video Learner Will: Watch Video and identify main concepts. How’d You Do? Trigger-Thumbs Up they feel good about the content and can idenfity main concepts. Thumbs down-they don’t and it links them back to the previous slide to review.

4 Birth-2 Understanding comes by coordinating sensory experiences with motor (what does this remind you of from Chapter 5?) Substages: (1) simple reflexes; (2) first habits and primary circular reactions; (3) secondary circular reactions; (4) coordination of secondary circular reactions; (5) tertiary circular reactions, novelty, and curiosity; and (6) internalization of schemes. Video: Object Permanance Pedagogy: Know, learn, understand and explain concepts. Questions prepare students to learn material. Targets visual learners. Design: None *Some content edits have been made in SL2 Learner Will: Remember concepts from prior reading then identify these concepts in the following video. Sensorymotor

5 Video-Piaget Sensorymotor
Pedagogy: Demonstrates concepts. Audio/Visual. Students see concepts in real life seettings. Design: Media-Video Learner Will: Watch Video and identify main concepts. How’d You Do? Trigger-Thumbs Up they feel good about the content and can idenfity main concepts. Thumbs down-they don’t and it links them back to the previous slide to review.

6 Preoperational 2-7 years
Represent the world with words, images, and drawings and begin to reason. What are operations and how does that help us understand children’s abilities at this stage? Substages: symbolic function; intuitive thought. Limitations: Egocentrism, Animism, Centration, Conservation Pedagogy: Know, learn, understand and explain concepts. Questions prepare students to learn material. Targets visual learners. Activate existing knowledge. Design: None *Some content edits have been made in SL2 Learner Will: Remember concepts from prior reading then identify these concepts in the following video. Preoperational

7 Video-Piaget Preoperational
Pedagogy: Demonstrates concepts. Audio/Visual. Students see concepts in real life seettings. Design: Media-Video Learner Will: Watch Video and identify main concepts. How’d You Do? Trigger-Thumbs Up they feel good about the content and can idenfity main concepts. Thumbs down-they don’t and it links them back to the previous slide to review.

8 Concrete Operational 7-11
reason logically as long as reasoning can be applied to specific or concrete examples. classify or divide things into different sets or subsets and to consider their interrelationships. Operations/Concrete Operations; Seriation, Transitivity define and give example(s). Pedagogy: Know, learn, understand and explain concepts. Questions prepare students to learn material. Targets visual learners. Design: None *Some content edits have been made in SL2 Learner Will: Remember concepts from prior reading then identify these concepts in the following video. Concrete Operational

9 Video-Concrete Operational
Pedagogy: Demonstrates concepts. Audio/Visual. Students see concepts in real life seettings. Design: Media-Video Learner Will: Watch Video and identify main concepts. How’d You Do? Trigger-Thumbs Up they feel good about the content and can idenfity main concepts. Thumbs down-they don’t and it links them back to the previous slide to review.

10 Formal Operational 11-15 think in abstract, idealistic logical ways
Hypothetical-deductive reasoning Egocentrism-how is this different in adolescents? Imaginary Audience Personal Fabel Pedagogy: Know, learn, understand and explain concepts. Questions prepare students to learn material. Targets visual learners. Design: None *Some content edits have been made in SL2 Learner Will: Identify main concepts demonstrated in the video. Formal Operational

11 Video-Piaget Formal Operational
Pedagogy: Demonstrates concepts. Audio/Visual. Students see concepts in real life seettings. Design: Media-Video Learner Will: Watch Video and identify main concepts. How’d You Do? Trigger-Thumbs Up they feel good about the content and can idenfity main concepts. Thumbs down-they don’t and it links them back to the previous slide to review.

12 Learner Will: Assess knowledge/understanding by matching key terms to the 4 stages.
Media: Matching Quiz

13 Vygotsky Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) Scaffolding
Language and Thought Teaching Strategies: (1) Use the child's ZPD in teaching; (2) Use more-skilled peers as teachers; (3) Monitor and encourage children's use of private speech; (5) Place instruction in a meaningful context; (6) Transform the classroom with Vygotskian ideas. Pedagogy: Know, learn, understand and explain concepts. Questions prepare students to learn material. Targets visual learners. Activate existing knowledge. Design: None *Some content edits have been made in SL2 Learner Will: Remember concepts from prior reading then identify these concepts in the following video. Vygotsky

14 Video- Vygotsky Pedagogy: Demonstrates concepts. Audio/Visual. Students see concepts in real life settings. Design: Media-Video Learner Will: Watch video and identify main concepts.

15 Learner Will: Assess knowledge for Vygotsky section by completing fill in the blank questions.
Media: Fill in the blank Quiz

16 Pedagogy: Evaluate, Compare, Contrast
Pedagogy: Evaluate, Compare, Contrast. Incorporate prior learning and apply to an educational setting. Memorize and then assess with a matching game. Design: Background music 3 mins? Possible voice over with instructions. Trigger check. When they feel they have mastered the content they can move on to the quiz. Learner Will: Review/memorize chart. Compare and Contrast

17 Media: 2 quizzes assessing knowledge/understanding of previous chart.
I didn’t see a way to have discussion or open ended quizzes within the presentation but if I were really to use this as supplemental instruction I would add a discussion in Bb. Thoughts?

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