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Short Review of Yesterday’s Lecture

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1 Short Review of Yesterday’s Lecture

2 Council of Trent (the 4 Rs)
a) Reaffirmed Catholic doctrine b) Reformed Church abuses c) Reasserted traditional practices d) Resisted limiting Papal authority Jesuits & their activities a) Catholic education (100s of schools for middle and upper-class boys b) Missionary work (Americas & Asia) c) Combating Protestantism

3 Political and Social Consequences of the Reformation
YOU are responsible for this information. You can learn the relevant information from the handout listed on my blog: “Lesson Plan-Student Copy “Social Significance of the Reformation”

4 Keep in mind: Lutheran, Zwinglian and Calvinist reformers worked within the framework of the reigning political power.

5 I. Religion in 15th c. life – BEFORE the Reformation AND
Religion in 16th c. life – AFTER the Reformation (We are referring to the larger cities of Central Europe that later turned Protestant, e.g., Zurich, Nuremberg, Geneva)

6 BEFORE AFTER 12. 13.

7 II. Protestant View of Woman & their function vs
II. Protestant View of Woman & their function vs. traditional Church attitudes of Middle Ages Celibacy & Marriage a) Catholic: praised the family and made marriage a sacrament b) Catholic: celibacy the surest way to holiness, was preferable for the_____ c) Luther: Sex in marriage is useful to avoid ________. d) Calvin: “every man should abstain from marriage only so long as he is fit to observe celibacy.

8 BOTH Catholic and Protestant clergy preached sermons advocating a more positive side to family relationships. __________were especially important in developing this new view of the family.

9 III. Protestantism and the Role of the woman
With no special holiness for celibacy, the _________could be placed at the center of human life. Mutual love b/t man and wife could be extolled but… Were doctrine and reality the same? a) more often than not, _______

10 IV. Traditional Roles of Men & Women more often prevailed
Luther a) wife is compelled to b) wife “is like a nail driven into the wall” c) Women’s role viewed as d) being a nun no longer an option, so Overall, the Protestant Reformation did not noticeably transform women’s subordinate place in society….but there were exceptions.

11 V. Strides Made for Women
In early 1520s VI. Traditional attitudes of the Middle Ages and role of women 1. 2. 3.

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