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Organization of Life Chapter 2.

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1 Organization of Life Chapter 2

2 Two Types of Cells Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

3 Prokaryotic Do not have structures surrounded by membranes
Few internal structures One-celled organisms, Bacteria

4 Eukaryotic Contain organelles surrounded by membranes Most living organisms

5 Cellular Organization
1-Cell- basic unit of structure and function in living things. 2-Tissue- group of cells that function together to carry out an activity.

6 3-Organ- group of two or more tissues that perform an activity together.
4-Organ system- group of organs that work together to perform a major life function

7 . 5-Organism- an entire living thing that carries out all the basic life functions.

8 Organism Organ system Organ Tissue Cells


10 The Discovery of the Cell

11 Robert Hooke discovered and named cells in 1665 when he examined thin slices of cork with a compound microscope he designed.

12 “Cells” got their name because they reminded Hooke of the small, boxy living quarters of monks.

13 Perhaps inspired by Hooke, Anton van Leeuwenhoek took up microscopy and built more than 500 microscopes, grinding the lenses himself.

14 This enabled him to discover and describe red blood cells and bacteria taken from scrapings off his teeth.

15 Schleiden and Schwann Schleiden used microscopes to observe plant cells. Schwann observed animal cells under microscopes. Schleiden and Schwann summarized their observations and conclusions into the cell theory.

16 Virchow Approximately 20 years later Virchow saw that cells could not develop from anything except other cells.



19 Cells The Basic Units of Life

20 Objectives

21 1. Identify major cell organelles given a diagram.
2. Distinguish between plant and animal cells given a diagram of a plant. 3. Identify the cell organelle in which photosynthesis occurs.

22 Cell Wall Supports and protects plant cells.
Made of non-living cellulose. Makes plants stiff.

23 Cell Membrane Gate of the cell Is found on the outside of the cell.
Allows materials to pass into and out of the cell. Protects the cell and supports it. Gate of the cell

24 Nucleus Control center The large oval structure.
Directs the activities of the cell like a “brain” Contains the nucleolus and chromosomes. Control center

25 Nuclear Membrane Surrounds the nucleus and allows materials to pass into or out of the nucleus.

26 Chromosomes/Chromatin
Thick, rodlike objects that direct the activities of the cell and passes on its traits to new cells.

27 Nucleolus Ribosome factory
The round nucleolus is located inside the nucleus. It produces ribosomes and is responsible for making new and repairing cells. Ribosome factory

28 Cytoplasm Clear, thick, jelly-like substance in the cell between the nucleus and the cell membrane.

29 Endoplasmic Reticulum
Clear, tubular passageways that carry proteins from one part of the cell to another. It is the transportation system for the cell. Roadways


31 Ribosomes Where amino acids are assembled into proteins.
Protein factory

32 Mitochondria Power plants
Rod shaped structures that break down food and release energy. This energy will be used in the cell’s reactions. Power plants

33 Vacuoles Plant cells have very large vacuoles
Stores water and other materials

34 Vacuoles/Animal Cells
Round water-filled sacs that store food and water for the cell. Storage units

35 Lysosomes Small, round structures that digest food and break down old cells. Cleanup Crew

36 Golgi Apparatus Post Office
flattened membrane sacs that package cell material and ship them to other organelles or out of the cell. Post Office

37 VESICLES Storage centers for the cell

38 Chloroplasts Green, irregularly shaped structures that capture the energy of sunlight and produces food through the process of photosynthesis. Energy producers

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