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100 Years War, Reformation, and “The Prince” Jeopardy

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Presentation on theme: "100 Years War, Reformation, and “The Prince” Jeopardy"— Presentation transcript:

1 100 Years War, Reformation, and “The Prince” Jeopardy
Mr. Nass

2 Jeopardy Round 100 Years War Reformation The Prince 100 200 300 400
500 600 700 800

3 Who was the 100 Years War fought between?

4 100 Answer England and France

5 200 What French heroine was burned as a witch for dressing in men’s clothing and fighting against the English?

6 200 Answer Joan of Arc

7 300 Why did England make a mistake in allowing for peace to occur in France during the 100 Years War?

8 300 Answer France was able to recover, build up their army and drive the English out of the land that they controlled in France

9 400 What were the two French groups that were fighting against one another during the 100 Years War?

10 Burgundians and Avignon
400 Answer Burgundians and Avignon

11 What were three causes of the 100 Years War?
500 What were three causes of the 100 Years War?

12 Fight over the wool trade Both countries wanted to expand
500 Answer Both England and France were fighting to gain control of the French throne Fight over the wool trade Both countries wanted to expand

13 What were three effects of the 100 Years War?
600 What were three effects of the 100 Years War?

14 600 Answer France focused on Problems at home
England went into a Civil War Sped up decline of Feudalism Strengthened the monarchies of France and England Spain emerged as a world power

15 700 France’s nobles had to decide who would give them more power and independence. Who did they have to decide between?

16 An English King far away in London or a French King in Paris
700 Answer An English King far away in London or a French King in Paris

17 800 What two weapons were developed during the 100 Years War that made Feudal weaponry obsolete?

18 800 Answer Longbow and the musket

19 What were two of the abuses of the Catholic Church?
100 What were two of the abuses of the Catholic Church?

20 Selling of Church Land for profit
100 Answer Indulgences Inquisition Selling of Church Land for profit Allowing people to buy their way into church positions

21 What did Martin Luther do that got him excommunicated from the church?
200 What did Martin Luther do that got him excommunicated from the church?

22 Nailed his 95 Theses (complaints) to his church door
200 Answer Nailed his 95 Theses (complaints) to his church door

23 What common tie binds together all Christian religions?
300 What common tie binds together all Christian religions?

24 They all believe that Jesus was the son of God
300 Answer They all believe that Jesus was the son of God

25 Why was Queen Mary, of England, given the nickname “Bloody Mary”?
400 Why was Queen Mary, of England, given the nickname “Bloody Mary”?

26 She burned Protestants at the stake
400 Answer She burned Protestants at the stake

27 What were three goals of the Catholic Reformation?
500 What were three goals of the Catholic Reformation?

28 500 Answer End the spread of Protestantism
Correct the abuses of the Church Develop the official message of the Church A rebirth of Catholic faith Restore the Pope’s Authority

29 Describe, in detail, what the Great Schism was
600 Describe, in detail, what the Great Schism was

30 600 Answer The Cardinals rushed to select a new Pope after the old Pope died, they then wanted to elect a new Pope and did so, but the other Pope wouldn’t resign. Then, a third Pope was elected in Italy. Finally, all 3 had to resign and they elected a separate Pope.

31 700 Why did King Henry VIII set up his own Church in England? What did he name it?

32 700 Answer The Pope wouldn’t allow him to get a divorce so he made the Anglican religion

33 How did the Catholic Church go about achieving its goals?
800 How did the Catholic Church go about achieving its goals?

34 800 Answer Sent out missionaries like Ignatius of Loyola to convert people to Catholicism Created the Council of Trent to determine the Church’s principles Inquisition

35 Machiavelli said that it was better to be _________ than __________
100 Machiavelli said that it was better to be _________ than __________

36 100 Answer Feared/Loved

37 How did Machiavelli describe people?
200 How did Machiavelli describe people?

38 200 Answer They are wicked, deceitful, are with you when times are good, but will turn on you the minute that things go bad.

39 Why did Machiavelli write this Pamphlet for the Prince of Italy?
300 Why did Machiavelli write this Pamphlet for the Prince of Italy?

40 So he could become an advisor on his staff
300 Answer So he could become an advisor on his staff

41 400 What did Machiavelli offer to the Prince rather than gold, jewels, horses, or other material goods?

42 400 Answer His knowledge

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