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Heterozygous for all alleles in MHC II

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1 Heterozygous for all alleles in MHC II
DRA-m or p DRB1-m DRA-m or p DRB1-p DRA-m or p DRB3,4, or 5 m DRA-m or p DRB3,4, or 5 p DQA-m DQB-m DQA-p DQB-p DQA-m DQB-p DQA-p DQB-m DPA-m DPB-m DPA-p DPB-p DPA-m DPB-p DPA-p DPB-m Makes 12 (and some 16) “HLA heterozygous individuals can express up to six class I and eight class II” - quote in Ch 3 conflicts with Figure A3.9 and my calculations

2 T cell lineage (Chapter 5)
Rearrangement order Outcome   and  are rearranged ---> cell    and  are rearranged ---> cell    and  are rearranged ---> cell   and  are rearranged ---> cell    and  are rearranged ---> cell    rearranged ( rearranged&excised) ---> cell    and  are rearranged ---> cell    and  are rearranged ---> cell    and  are rearranged ---> cell    and  are rearranged ---> cell    rearranged ( rearranged&excised) ---> cell


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