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Assignment 1 Question 1: Represent the polygon data below by the arc-node structure (indicate the coordinates of node i as (xi, yi)). 2 3 4 1 B C D E II.

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Presentation on theme: "Assignment 1 Question 1: Represent the polygon data below by the arc-node structure (indicate the coordinates of node i as (xi, yi)). 2 3 4 1 B C D E II."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assignment 1 Question 1: Represent the polygon data below by the arc-node structure (indicate the coordinates of node i as (xi, yi)). 2 3 4 1 B C D E II F III 7 G 5 H 6 L A J IV K I 8 10 M N 11 9 O V P Q S R 12 VI 13 T 14

2 Question 2: Describe a procedure for enumerating the polygons surrounding the polygon IV. II III IV I V VI

3 Question 3: If you need the latest census (population) and land use data in your country (or region) in a digital format, how do you obtain them? Describe the process in terms of data provider, data format, availability (price), frequency of updating, preprocessing (if necessary).

4 Submission due: 5/21/2004 Format: PDF/WORD format address:

5 Assignment 2 Answer two out of the following three questions.
A GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver needs at least four satellites to determine its present location. Describe how a GPS receiver uses four satellites to calculate its location, and what happens if only two or three satellites are available.

6 Question 2: Suppose you have point data of crime occurrences with attribute data such as type of crime, date and time of occurrence, and so forth. Describe a method for analyzing the crime data with other spatial data including land use data, demographic data, point data of railway stations, police boxes, convenience stores, and so forth.

7 Question 3: Visual analysis is the first step of spatial analysis, which is followed by quantitative analysis including statistical test and mathematical modelling. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of visual analysis as compared to statistical/mathematical analysis.

8 Submission due: 7/31/2004 Format: PDF/WORD format address:

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