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Chapter 5 Section 5.

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1 Chapter 5 Section 5

2 Party Decentralization
President’s party is usually united around the President. The many offices contribute to decentralization. Nominating candidates fragments the parties.

3 National Party Machinery
National convention- Nominates candidates and sets rules and a platform. National committee- A group of party members whose main focus is planning the next convention. National chairperson- Directs the work of the party’s headquarters. Works to strengthen the party and fundraise.

4 National Party Machinery
Congressional campaign committees- Work to reelect incumbents and fill empty seats.

5 State and Local Party Machinery
State organization- State central committee headed by a chairperson. Work to develop party unity and fundraise. Local organization- Work the interests of the area they are in.

6 Components of the Party
Party organization- People who run the party machinery. Party in the electorate- Party loyalists. Party in the government- Officeholders.

7 Future of Major Parties
Parties are in trouble. Sharp drop since 1960 in the number of voters who will identify themselves as Republicans or Democrats. Split-ticket voting. Internal conflict. Technology has made organizations less important. Growth of single-issue organizations.

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