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Behavioral Objectives

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Presentation on theme: "Behavioral Objectives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Behavioral Objectives
Purpose 3 Parts The purpose of a learning objective is to communicate intended result.

2 Purpose The purpose of a learning objective is to communicate intended result. A well-constructed learning objective should leave little room for doubt about what is intended.

3 Contains three parts Behavioral Verb Condition Criteria

4 Behavioral Verb an action word that describes an observable student behavior

5 Condition a statement that describes the conditions under which the behavior is to be performed

6 Criteria a statement that specifies how well the student must perform the behavior How well can mean Form - or the critical cue - and or, Number of times (quantitative) - and or, Qualitative (automatic, concentrates, can not perform) such as in a rubric score

7 Example 1 Student will self propel wheelchair from the gym door to the locker room door without assistance everyday.

8 Example 2 Student will walk holding partners forearm from locker room to squad line every P.E. class.

9 Example 3 Student will walk down the stairs unassisted using the handrail to get to PE class everyday.

10 Let’s do Together Student will step automatically with opposite foot while throwing a pretend ball overhand during the visual check. Student will demonstrate side to target while striking a foam ball with a foam paddle against the wall during the partner check 4 out of 5 times.

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