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“Speech to the Virginia Convention”

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1 “Speech to the Virginia Convention”
Patrick Henry “Speech to the Virginia Convention”

2 Patrick Henry Born in Hanover County, Virginia in 1736
Homeschooled because of rural location Tried farming and merchant life, but failed Discovers a love for public speaking

3 Adult Life Obtained law license in 1760
He argued that a king who would veto a law passed by a locally elected legislature was, “…a tyrant who forfeits the allegiance of his subjects." This was the beginning of his struggle to ensure independence for the 13 Colonies.

4 Patrick Henry Elected to Virginia House of Burgesses (first democratically elected legislative body in North America) Wrote numerous speeches throughout his lifetime His most famous speech ended with the words, "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

5 What to know about Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry’s “Speech in the Virginia Convention” played a key role in turning colonial ideas against negotiation with England and toward armed rebellion.

6 One month after Patrick Henry gave his speech in Virginia, the British marched on Concord, which would be the beginning of the American Revolution. Patrick Henry went against several of the Virginian statesmen to make his point with his speech. He stood up for what he believed in, and would not back down until his voice was heard.

7 Patrick Henry Patrick Henry’s beliefs that colonists should pull away from British rule, and create their own country based on their own beliefs were expressed in his speech. This was dangerous because at this time, Britain was the world power. Henry essentially takes on an empire in his speech.

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