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J.D. Grants Funding Process

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Presentation on theme: "J.D. Grants Funding Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 J.D. Grants Funding Process

2 Scope of the Committee’s Work
Co-Curricular Activities Law Journals Moot Court Mock Trial Student Organizations (other than the SBA) Individual Students

3 Key Factors Influencing Funding
Educational value Number of students who benefit Larger value to the Law School Cost and location Student fundraising efforts (with some limits) Complete, accurate, and timely application

4 Grants in (Examples) Competitions (moot court, mock trial, arbitration) Law journal symposia Speakers at the law school Pro bono service projects and trips Law conferences Wellness events

5 Deadlines for Funding Requests - Fall
July 15, 2019 – Co-curricular budgets Requests for events on or after Aug. 30, 2019 Sept. 15, 2019 – Requests for events on or after Oct. 30, 2019 Oct. 15, 2019 – Requests for events on or after Nov. 30, 2019 Dec. 1, 2019 – Requests for events on or after Jan. 15, 2020

6 Deadlines for Funding Requests - Spring
Feb. 1, 2020 – Requests for events on or after Mar. 15, 2020 Mar. 1, 2020 – Requests for events on or after Apr. 15, 2020 July 15, 2020 – Co-curricular budgets for Requests for events on or after Aug. 30, 2020

7 Applying for Funding – Co-Curricular Activities – Required Steps
Projected Annual Budget due July 15, 2019 Individual events - in advance Travel Funding Request –or- Local Event Request Individual events - after the event Actual Expenses Report –and– Reimbursement Requests (if applicable)

8 Applying for Funding – Other Organizations and Individuals – Required Steps
Individual events - in advance Travel Funding Request –or– Local Event Request Individual events - after the event Actual Expenses Report –and– Reimbursement Requests (if applicable)

9 Forms Available on the website by June 15, 2019
___________________________ Projected Annual Budget – Co-Curricular Activities Travel Funding Request Local Event Funding Request Actual Expenses Report Reimbursement Request (if applicable)

10 For a Successful Application
Know and meet deadlines. Estimate costs realistically. Submit accurate information – check your math! Pursue other funding sources. Explain the educational value thoughtfully.

11 The Funding Process Resources (online and in person)
Avoiding problems Getting help Travel arrangements and rules Booking flights Hotel maximums and payment Direct payment or reimbursement

12 Questions?

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