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IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston

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1 IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston
IVOA Registry Working Group OAI-based Harvesting Ray Plante IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

2 IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston
Harvesting in the Registry Framework Full Searchable Registry VO Projects harvest (pull) Local Publishing Registry Full Searchable Registry Data Centers Local Publishing Registry Local Searchable Registry Harvesting is about publishing Specialized Portals & Services IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

3 IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston
Harvesting in the Registry Framework Full Searchable Registry VO Projects harvest (pull) replicate Local Publishing Registry Full Searchable Registry Data Centers Local Publishing Registry Local Searchable Registry Harvesting is about publishing Specialized Portals & Services IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

4 IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston
Harvesting in the Registry Framework Full Searchable Registry VO Projects harvest (pull) replicate Local Publishing Registry Full Searchable Registry Data Centers selective harvesting Local Publishing Registry Local Searchable Registry Harvesting is about publishing Specialized Portals & Services IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

5 IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston
Searching in the Registry Framework Full Searchable Registry VO Projects Local Publishing Registry Full Searchable Registry Data Centers Local Publishing Registry search queries Local Searchable Registry Harvesting is not about searching Client Applications Specialized Portals & Services IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

6 Open Archives Initiative (OAI) Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
Existing standard for harvesting resource descriptions widely supported in digital library community Supports aggregation of resource descriptions Deployed successfully as part of NVO registry prototype Currently part of framework supporting the NVO Data Inventory Service (DIS) IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

7 IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston
OAI-PMH Features Defines 6 operations: Identify GetRecord ListIdentifiers ListMetadataFormats ListRecords ListSets Features Support for multiple description formats (“metadataPrefix”) Harvesting by date (“from”, “until”) Harvesting by category (“set”) Marking records as deleted Support for resumption tokens IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

8 IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston
OAI as a Web Service IVOA: presumed preference for Web Services OAI PMH defined as set of HTTP Get services Broad interest in seeing Web Service version Evolving the standard toward WS: NVO has prototyped WS versions Gretchen Greene & Wil O’Mullane (STScI) Charlie Cowert (SDSC) Ray Plante (NCSA) In contact with OAI community Opportunity: present proposal for standard WS version to OAI community IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

9 IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston
Reasons to adopt OAI Existing, well-tested standard we don’t have to reinvent Easy to implement Demonstrated by NVO Lots of existing OAI software tools For clients and servers Lowers cost of implementation Interoperability with larger digital library community Do these hold in the web service context? Yes, if the WS version leverages the original OAI schema IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

10 A Harvesting Standard based on OAI
Spelled out in alternate section 4 to the Registry Interface working draft The OAI standard defined by… The (existing) OAI-PMH v2.0 specification Operations, behavior, message schema OAI-PMH schema defines “envelope” for resource description The (proposed) OAI WSDL interface Mapping to WS interface Imports the OAI-PMH schema Standard IVOA use of OAI OAI spec provides hooks for community-specific semantics Resource description format Sets IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

11 IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston
IVOA Metadata Format Define metadata format: “ivo_vor” Description using the VOResource schema Restricted to a resource sub-type defined in a “standard” extension schema Today: one of the working draft extensions Non-standard extensions should accessible via a non-standard metadata format name Harvester can expect to fully comprehend the resource description Dublin core format, “oai_dc”, required For cross-disciplinary interoperability Support is trivial via standard XSL stylesheet IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

12 Sets: Named Categories of records
The OAI notion of “sets” Each record may belong to zero or more named categories called “sets” Sets may be defined by a community or the individual provider Enables selective harvesting by category Proposed use of sets for IVOA: Implicit definition of a set for each standard resource sub-type E.g. Organisation, Registry, SimpleImageAcess, etc. Set name of the form “ivo_type”: e.g. “ivo_Registry” Allows harvesting of specific types Explicit definition of special sets: ivo_managed: those records with authority ID that originates with that registry ivo_standard: any record of a standard resource sub-type Full registry replication by omitting set argument IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

13 Other miscellaneous specifications
Required resource records: One Registry record describing the registry itself One Authority record for each AuthorityID it manages One Organisation record for each publisher that registers an AuthorityID The “Identify” operation response must include the registry record for the registry e.g. <resource xsi:type=“Registry”> IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

14 Related Harvester Interface
Additional standard operation to be supported by searchable registry (i.e. the harvester) “Harvest Me”: a mechanism to tell a harvester that an update is available Inputs: ivo-id: the ID of the harvestable registry harvestingType: HTTP Get or WS version Should we allow either? baseURL: endpoint for harvesting interface lastUpdate: date of most recent update to registry contents Harvester may choose when/if to harvest IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

15 IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston
Conclusions Reasons to adopt OAI-based harvesting Existing, well-tested standard we don’t have to reinvent Easy to implement Lots of existing OAI software tools Interoperability with larger digital library community OAI fulfills all of the harvesting functionality set proposed in current WD Proposal presumes a WS interface desired Opportunity to contribute to DL community Action: Endorse preference to support standard if … Meets needs Has favorable cost/benefit ratio Continue to develop within context of Registry Interface WD Projects should study OAI spec carefully If doesn’t meet above criteria, enumerate how IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

16 IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston
Myths about OAI OAI does more than we need, too heavy If you do this right, you will reinvent most/all of the required functionality It’s cheaper to do something simpler It’s cheaper to adopt standard if you can leverage existing software OAI+WS: aren’t these envelopes redundant? The two envelopes serve different functions OAI envelope: managing a set of related operations in a format-independent way Response management Record management responseDate identifier request inputs datestamp set membership Envelopes are easily skipped IVOA Interoperability Meeting - Boston 26 May 2004

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