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V-Con Modelling Issues Input for V-Con dialogues/expert meetings with vendors | Michel Böhms & Bart Luiten (TNO) and Lars Wikström & Olle Bergman (TRIONA)
Overview TNO-initiated
A. General issue on Meta-Modelling (not just for V-Con) B. Specific issues on upcoming QUDT version 2.0 C. Syntax forms: now Turtle, what about popular JSON-LD? TopQuadrant-initiated D. Linking Rule Sets approach “Beyond-OWL-capabilities” Simple linking scenarios, same-as logic; conceptual or implementational Check actual ‘same-as’ logic/requirements in use cases! (TRV & RWS) E. Importing approach (+when import really needed) TRIONA-initiated F. More from Lars/Olle Semmtech-initiated G. Also support needed for less-semantic levels - documents - structured without schema 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
A. General issue on Meta-Modelling
Different projects with different goals use different ontology/’object type library (OTL)’ modelling approaches related to choice of meta-level which often hampers reuse, alignment and combination of results Some have a Knowledge perspective Some have a Data perspective In the end you typically want BOTH perspectives combined in the best way Even within one organisation Example: V-Con (“data-perspective”) and KEBO (“knowledge-perspective”) within Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) To understand the issue better let’s first be clear about the concept of ‘meta-level’ 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
Meta-levels Typically we deal with (and ‘have to model somehow’) three meta-levels: In general For example ‘Class’ owl:Class 1. Language Instantiation* rdf:type A specific Class :Road 2. Ontology instantiation rdf:type An Individual :The ‘A4’ road in NL 3. Individuals 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016 * In set theory: ‘membership of a set’
Example situation (KEBO)
owl:Class Language :TechniqueType :DamageType Ontology :EddyCurrent :Cracking Individuals Note: The Ontology and Individuals levels capture Knowledge * WikiPedia: The term eddy current comes from analogous currents seen in water when rowing using an oar, causing localised areas of turbulence known as eddies give rise to persistent vortices. Somewhat analogously, eddy currents can take time to build up and can persist for very short times in conductors due to their inductance. 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
Relationship added (an ObjectProperty in OWL-speak)
Class :Technique Type :measures DamageType :Damage Type domain range instantiation (rdf:type) Individual :EddyCurrent :Cracking :measuresDamageType Note: Again, the Ontology and Individuals levels capture Knowledge (from here we leave out the language meta-level which stays the same) 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
In owl code (kebo1.ttl) ONTOLOGY: :TechniqueType rdf:type owl:Class . :DamageType rdf:type owl:Class . :measuresDamageType rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :TechniqueType ; rdfs:range :DamageType . DATA: :EddyCurrent rdf:type :TechniqueType . :Cracking rdf:type :DamageType . :EddyCurrent :measuresDamageType :Cracking . 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
Observations We are modelling ‘knowledge’ only, mostly as individuals (and some top-level classes) However, we often (also) want to model the ‘real-life’ data: individuals of Techniques used at a point in time and Damages you can/could* point at in space I.e. not abstract types but techniques and damages occurring in spacetime One way to make this possible is to ‘promote’ the Individuals to become subclasses that can be instantiated into such ‘real’ individuals Some knowledge is lost now that has to be added somehow: The original “:EddyCurrent :measuresDamage :Cracking .” The typical way to do it is to capture this knowledge in a Restriction now at the new class ‘EddyCurrent’ *existing respectively planned 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
Enabling ‘real’ data ObjectProperty Class :Technique** :Damage
:measures Damage :Damage rdfs:domain rdfs:range Specialization* (rdfs:subClassOf) :EddyCurrent :Cracking Restriction: AllValuesFrom on :measuresDamage instantiation (rdf:type) :Eddy Current Application11 :Cracking Case 54 Individual :measuresDamage * set theory: subset of set **meaning: ‘TechniqueApplication’ 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
In owl code (KEBo2.ttl) ONTOLOGY: :Technique rdf:type owl:Class . :Damage rdf:type owl:Class . :EddyCurrent rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Technique ; rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom :Cracking ; owl:onProperty :measuredDamage ] . :Cracking rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Damage . :measuresDamage rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :Technique ; rdfs:range :Damage . DATA (if available/relevant): :EddyCurrentApplication11 rdf:type :EddyCurrent . :CrackingCase54 rdf:type :Cracking . 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
Alternative So far we started from three meta-levels where each item belonged to one level The OWL2 Description Logic (DL) variant permits any amount of levels (below language level) via what they call “Punning” See also: We have to check whether this is actually any amount or just one level… So alternatively, we can also add an extra level (not needing OWL Full variant) Involving 3-step instantiation (rdf:type) (==2-step below language level) Note: ‘Ontology’ and ‘Data’ become mixed Some items are both Class and Individual at the same time 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
Graphically :Technique Type :Damage Type :Technique* :Damage
:measures DamageType :Damage Type rdfs:domain rdfs:range :measuresDamageType :Technique* :Damage :measures Damage rdfs:domain rdfs:range :measuresDamageType :EddyCurrent :Cracking Restriction: AllValuesFrom on :measuresDamage :Eddy Current Application 11 :Cracking Case 54 :measuresDamage 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016 *again meaning: ‘TechniqueApplication’
Owl code (kebo3.ttl) :TechniqueType rdf:type owl:Class . :DamageType rdf:type owl:Class . :measuresDamageType rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :TechniqueType ; rdfs:range :DamageType . :Technique rdf:type :TechniqueType ; :measuresDamageType :Damage . :Damage rdf:type :DamageType . :measuresDamage rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :Technique ; rdfs:range :Damage . :EddyCurrent rdf:type :TechniqueType ; rdfs:subClassOf :Technique . :measuresDamageType :Cracking ; rdfs:subClassOf [ a owl:Restriction ; owl:allValuesFrom :Cracking ; owl:onProperty :measuresDamage ] . :Cracking rdf:type :DamageType ; rdfs:subClassOf Damage . :EddyCurrentApplication11 rdf:type :EddyCurrent ; :measuresDamage :CrackingCase54 . :CrackingCase54 rdf:type :Cracking . 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
Other typical patterns
MaterialType versus MaterialUsed Asphalt as instance of MaterialType & An AsphaltSlab in reality as instance of Asphalt CatalogueItem versus ProductBought BMW320i as instance of BMWType & MyBMW320i as instance of BMW320i “Telegraaf” as instance of (Dutch) Newspaper and “MyTelegraafOnSaturday” as instance of “Telegraaf” Or even more meta-levels (example from G.E.B. by D. Hofstadter) Class Newspaper Telegraph TelegraphOnSaturday TelegraphOn2July2016 (morning edition) MyTelegraphOn2July2016 (morning edition) 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
} Global Observations In the past also referred to as
With option 1 you need own-defined “specialisation/subclassing” info working on individuals (like also in QUDT version 2 where actual quantities and units are modelled as individuals) With option 2 you lose data-level standard functionality like in default TQ SWA application generation (especially in the case without data; so where knowledge is only modelled the class-way) Option 3 might be too powerful for direct support of reasoners etc.? I.e.: hard to edit by TopBraid Composer from GUI, but accepted as imported file … Generated SWA default app keeps working (2-level individuals shown) Pure conceptually, Option 3 is what you want, so (at least) 4 meta-levels: Language Ontology Types Individuals (reflecting real-life) } In the past also referred to as “Generic, Specific, Occurrence” dimension [Wim Gielingh, GARM, TNO]) 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
Personal initial Preference
OPTION No 2 Natural class-level modelling of “types” Reserve ‘individuals’ for real life stuff ‘things you can/could point at” No need for an “own specialization” property (reuse of rdfs:subClassOf) Simple OWL variant not disturbing reasoners and possibly more complex SPARQL querying involving Restrictions Data level needs dependent on use case Suppose “ReferenceProject” class/data Links to individuals data? (this bridge has Crack_1 and Crack_2) Or only to Class-level?(this Bridge had a typical Damage…) BUT: OPTION 3 is conceptually very tempting… Sub-issue: can we infer Restrictions on data-level from the meta-data on knowledge-level? (non-trivial! : i.e. can we formalize the link between property x and property xType?) 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
Sub-issue Graphically
:Technique Type :measures DamageType :Damage Type rdfs:domain rdfs:range :measuresDamageType :Technique :Damage :measures Damage rdfs:domain rdfs:range :measuresDamageType :EddyCurrent :Cracking Infer? Restriction: AllValuesFrom on :measuresDamage :Eddy Current Application 11 :Cracking Case 54 :measuresDamage 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
B. Specific issues on upcoming QUDT version 2.0
Source: 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
QUDTv2.0 Initial Issues Meta nature
Since QuantityKind is ‘meta-like’ (in the sense that i.e. ‘length’ is an instance of it, another hint: qudt-defined “generalization” as meta-objectproperty) you lose some directness (of saying this object hasLength Length). Stating that a certain class has some specific property restrictions (like 1 depth) now becomes a more indirect/complex one: one quantity where quantityKind = depth). Feedback welcome. Well, dependent also on issue no 2….: 2. End-user defined quantitative properties (ie “height”) Option1: Add to the list of Quantities (as Individual), and then having a qudt-generalization link to length)? Option 2: as subclass of Quantity? Option 3: separately referring to a Quantity (where Quantity is then interpreted as not being a property like height…)? What about qualitative properties (incl. enumerations)? 3. Bug or intentional? Quantity is currently a subclass of QuantityKind which seems not ok. (error in generation of ?) 4. Naming QuantityDimensionVector >>> shouldn’t that be: QuantityKindDimensionVector? 5. What could be a “QUDT-light”? 6. Process What is the timeline for qudt2.0? will it be free? (or do we all have to buy NASA handbook) 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
C. JSON-LD Note: JSON-LD can do more than RDF so not 1-to-1
Now often only used for SPARQL results Note: JSON-LD can do more than RDF so not 1-to-1 JSON-LD is a concrete RDF syntax as described in [RDF11-CONCEPTS]. Hence, a JSON-LD document is both an RDF document and a JSON document and correspondingly represents an instance of an RDF data model. However, JSON-LD also extends the RDF data model to optionally allow JSON-LD to serialize Generalized RDF Datasets. The JSON-LD extensions to the RDF data model are: In JSON-LD properties can be IRIs or blank nodes whereas in RDF properties (predicates) have to be IRIs. This means that JSON-LD serializes generalized RDF Datasets. In JSON-LD lists are part of the data model whereas in RDF they are part of a vocabulary, namely [RDF11-SCHEMA]. RDF values are either typed literals (typed values) or language-tagged strings whereas JSON-LD also supports JSON's native data types, i.e., number, strings, and the boolean values true and false. The JSON-LD Processing Algorithms and API specification [JSON-LD-API] defines the conversion rules between JSON's native data types and RDF's counterparts to allow round-tripping. Summarized, these differences mean that JSON-LD is capable of serializing any RDF graph or dataset and most, but not all, JSON-LD documents can be directly interpreted as RDF as described in RDF 1.1 Concepts [RDF11-CONCEPTS]. 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
D. Linking Rule Sets approach
Role of SPIN Role of SHACL Relationship between the two (overlap, difference) Ie will SHACL make SPIN obsolete or do we need both in the end? SHACL for CWA-constraints? SPIN for rules (or also via SHACL)? Relationship with OWL? Will SHACL replace OWL (“all classes becomes shapes”) or coexist? (question not only for the rules but also for the normal modelling) How to “organize” this, keep open world ontology AND closed worlds SHACL? SHACL AND SPIN? Ontology-level> how to keep clean? > LRS can differ but keep ontologies ‘clean’ ie “rules” (spin) versus “constraints” (shapes) 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
E. Importing approach Get clear when importing is REALLY needed
Preferably avoided, just referencing (?) When needed: what is best way? Whole existing ontologies, or Own-defined subsets Risk: out of sinc with original source? 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
F. More from Lars/Olle For David
Could we set up a common place also for DC-ANNOTATIONS and SKOS-ANNOTATIONS? Same for GeoSPARQL Proposal for versioning scheme for ontologies/datasets For V-Con Standardize use of dc annotations? Official release of Ifc Alignment ontology? DUL vs. ISO 15926 “Beyond owl reasoning” Cardinality restrictions (we have small example) E.g. “OWA issues” like cardinality == 0 Value restrictions (numerical, e.g. >=, <=, ...) (we have small example) Property <=> Class (e.g. IfcRelDecomposes <=> cmo:hasPart) Expressions/functions (e.g. ?pX = f(?pY, ?pZ)) Built-in functions and operators such as +, -, *, /, AVG, SUM, MIN, MAX, SQRT, CONCAT, ... (SPARQL?)- standard versus tool-dependent How to organize e.g. SPIN together with the LRS:s? Also SPIN rules are “ontology level”!! Michel: and/or SHACLE? 2 times LRS for IFC to be consistent (needs more discussion)? 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
G. Support for less-semantic data
The VCS should support also less-semantic datasets (ie multiple ambition levels) Unstructured data, linked documents like pdf to semantic objects (no further processing). Already covered by specification;. Otherwise (not yet specified) Structured linked data without schema/ontology ?Other (Semmtech: what were your exact 4 layers?) Potentially Semmtech VCS-only To be discussed 22 | V-Con Modelling Issues 20 September 2016
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