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EU Market Situation for Eggs Committee for the Common Organisation of the Agricultural Markets 8 November 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "EU Market Situation for Eggs Committee for the Common Organisation of the Agricultural Markets 8 November 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU Market Situation for Eggs Committee for the Common Organisation of the Agricultural Markets 8 November 2018

2 EU market situation for Eggs 8 November 2018
P R I C E S E U E V O L U T I O N E G G S EU market situation for Eggs November 2018

3 EU market situation for Eggs 19 July 2018
P R I C E S REMAINDER E G G S EU market situation for Eggs July 2018

4 EU market situation for Eggs 8 November 2018
W O R L D M A R K E T E G G P R I C E S EU – US – BR & IN EU market situation for Eggs November 2018

5 EU market situation for Eggs 8 November 2018
P R I C E S E U E V O L U T I O N E G G S Note: The EU Liquid Egg index was compiled by taking 60% of Urner Barry's Liquid Whole Egg quote and 40% of separated equivalents, which include Urner Barry's Liquid Yolk and White quotes Source: Urner Barry, EU market situation for Eggs November 2018

6 P R I C E S E U E V O L U T I O N E G G S

7 EU market situation for Eggs 8 November 2018
P R I C E S E U E V O L U T I O N E G G S EU market situation for Eggs November 2018

8 EU market situation for Eggs 8 November 2018
EUROPA SITE MARKETS Where to find data: Click on link: Eggs Click on link: Presentations and prices (righthand side under: in this chapter) Choose the item (link) you want EU market situation for Eggs November 2018

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