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Budget Vote Workshop - Safety and Security

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1 Budget Vote Workshop - Safety and Security
14 March 2007 National Treasury

2 Overview Introduction Current budget and expenditure
SAPS strategic priorities Growth in budget 2007 budget allocations 2007/08 projected expenditure Conclusion National Treasury

3 Introduction NT monitors budget and expenditure trends for the department on a monthly and quarterly basis Quarterly reports also covers information on human resources, infrastructure, cash flow analysis and revenue Quarterly reports are sent to management of the department and National Treasury Analysis of expenditure at provincial, area and police station level NT also evaluate policy proposals submitted by department for additional funding - Monthly expenditure reports are required from the departments according to the PFMA - Quartely reports are compiled by the National Treasury and an effort to alert the department about issues of concern - in some cases possible over or under expenditure so that the department can address those issues during the course of the financial year. However, the SAPS has their internal measures to monitor expenditure on a regular basis. National Treasury

4 Current budget & expenditure
Programme expenditure up to January 2007 At the end of January the Department had spent 80,1% of the total budget And according to the projections, the total budget will be spend at the end of the financial year. National Treasury

5 Current budget & expenditure
Expenditure on economic classification up to January 2007 The only item for expenditure is slightly slow was buildings and other fixed structures at the end of January However, the department has indicated that allocated funds will be spent at the end of the financial year. Expenditure on capital budget was also affected by delays in invoices from DPW Expenditure on machinery and equipment has was already at 98,6%. It is hoped that this item will not overspent. National Treasury

6 Strategic priorities Strategic priorities include combating;
Organised crime, Serious and violent crimes, Crimes against women and children, and Improving basic service delivery to communities The only item for expenditure is slightly slow was buildings and other fixed structures at the end of January However, the department has indicated that allocated funds will be spent at the end of the financial year. Expenditure on capital budget was also affected by delays in invoices from DPW Expenditure on machinery and equipment has was already at 98,6%. It is hoped that this item will not overspent. National Treasury

7 Budget growth The only item for expenditure is slightly slow was buildings and other fixed structures at the end of January However, the department has indicated that allocated funds will be spent at the end of the financial year. Expenditure on capital budget was also affected by delays in invoices from DPW Expenditure on machinery and equipment has was already at 98,6%. It is hoped that this item will not overspent. Total budget for the SAPS has increased from R22,7b in 2003/04 to R43,6b in 2009/10 at an annual average rate of 11,5% Budget will increase from R32,5b in 2006/07 to R43,6b in 2009/10 at an annual average rate of 10,2% Growth in budget reflects commitment to ensuring safety and security and reducing the levels of crime National Treasury

8 Budget growth per programme
The only item for expenditure is slightly slow was buildings and other fixed structures at the end of January However, the department has indicated that allocated funds will be spent at the end of the financial year. Expenditure on capital budget was also affected by delays in invoices from DPW Expenditure on machinery and equipment has was already at 98,6%. It is hoped that this item will not overspent. In general the budget for all the programmes continues to grow over the years with Visible Policing being the largest, increasing from R14,4b in 2006/07 to R18,7b in 2009/10 at an annual average rate of 9,2% Crime Intelligence and Protection and Security Services are the smallest. CI increases from R1,1b in 2006/07 to R1,5b in 2009/10 (9,45%) and PSS increases from R1,2b to R2,5b (26,7%) in the same period National Treasury

9 2007 Budget allocations The only item for expenditure is slightly slow was buildings and other fixed structures at the end of January However, the department has indicated that allocated funds will be spent at the end of the financial year. Expenditure on capital budget was also affected by delays in invoices from DPW Expenditure on machinery and equipment has was already at 98,6%. It is hoped that this item will not overspent. A total amount of R3,1b was requested by the department and R2,4b was allocated over the MTEF, to support government priorities relating to S&S Salary adjustments were allocated to all departments – a total of R305m for Safety and Security over the next 3 years National Treasury

10 2007 Budget allocations (cont..)
A total of R162,8m was allocated for property leases to enable the department to address leasing needs in all provinces A total of R112,5m was allocated to cater for maintenance, refurbishment and rehabilitation of SAPS facilities over the MTEF A total amount of R108,5m was allocated to begin with the process of building new shooting ranges over the medium term R152,5m has been allocated for the procurement of a new vehicle monitoring system aimed to enhanced the usage of vehicles thus improving service delivery An amount of R665,6m has been allocated over the medium term for the procurement of equipment that will be required during the 2010 Soccer World Cup A total of R843,8m has been allocated over the next three years for the appointment of additional civilians and functional personnel over the MTEF National Treasury

11 2007 Budget allocations (cont..)
The budget for Property Management will grow from R1,1b in 2006/07 to R1,7b in 2009/10, at an annual average rate of 13,9% Personnel numbers will increase from in 2006/07 to in 2009/10 The total number of personnel that will be trained is expected to increase from in 2006/07 to National Treasury

12 2007 Projected expenditure
Admin takes 32,9% of total budget, it includes property management and other centralised functions Visible Policing takes 43,1% of the total budget, most additional personnel appointed from this programme Detective Services takes 15,9% of the total budget, focus will be on enhancing forensic science division Crime Intelligence takes 3,5% of the total budget PSS takes 4,6% of the total budget and is currently the fastest growing programme National Treasury

13 2007 Projected expenditure
National Treasury

14 2007 Projected expenditure per economic classification
Overall expenditure is expected to increase over the months Expenditure on capital assets is slow in the first quarter of the financial year but projected to increase in the following quarters of the financial year. National Treasury

15 Conclusion THANK YOU…!! National Treasury

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