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The Witch of Blackbird Pond

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1 The Witch of Blackbird Pond
Chapter Vocabulary

2 haggard showing signs of tiredness, anxiety, or hunger on the face, e.g. dark rings around the eyes “Mercy stirred and asked, in a quite natural voice, for a sip of water, and Rachel’s haggard face lighted with a smile.”

3 warrant to guarantee something such as the truth or dependability of somebody or something “The girl will be safe with me, that I warrant.”

4 banish to exile somebody from a place
“Goody Harrison was banished from the colony.”

5 blanched to become pale suddenly
“Then seeing the horror that blanched her face he reconsidered.”

6 conviction a belief or opinion that is held firmly
“In his quiet way he had a sort of strength and conviction.”

7 magistrate a judge in a lower court whose jurisdiction is limited to the trial of misdemeanors and the conduct of preliminary hearings on more serious charges “Could the magistrate for one moment hold the Cruff’s word against a man like William.”

8 vengeance punishment that is inflicted in return for a wrong; revenge
“Goodwife Cruff had hated her ever since that first day on the Dolphin, and she would never rest now till she had her vengeance.”

9 dubious of uncertain quality, intention, or appropriatenes
“In spite of its dubious appearance it sent a faint curl of steam into the frosty air…”

10 haltingly hesitant or done with frequent irregular pauses
“…Kit got to her feet and moved haltingly across the room…”

11 instigation to cause trouble, especially by urging somebody to do something destructive or wrong “…and that by his instigation and help thou hast…”

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