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Division III Bylaw 13 Recruiting

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1 Division III Bylaw 13 Recruiting

2 Agenda Recently-adopted legislation.
Official visits (NCAA Bylaw 13.7). NCAA Requests/Self-Reports Online Case Management System (RSRO) miscellaneous.

3 Session Outcomes Become familiar with new legislation.
Understand fundamental application of official visit legislation. Use (RSRO) case studies for a practical context. Be equipped with resources and best practices relevant to Bylaw 13.

4 Recently-Adopted Legislation

5 Recently-Adopted Legislation
NCAA Proposal Nos. (RWG) (RWG) * * Official visit legislation Proposal Nos. NC * NC *

6 Proposal No. 2015-7 Contact after Completion of Sophomore Year
Intent: To allow in-person, off-campus contact with PSA (or family) after PSA has completed sophomore year in high school. Effective Date: Effective for PSAs who complete sophomore year during or later. Bylaws: and Effective date for off-campus, in-person contacts: Must complete sophomore year during or later. So if completed sophomore year during (current juniors), new legislation would not apply. Bylaws: Amend , as follows: High School Prospective Student-Athletes. In-person, off-campus recruiting contacts shall not be made with a prospective student-athlete or the prospective student-athlete's relatives or guardian(s) until the prospective student-athlete has completed the junior his or her sophomore year in high school. U.S. service academy exceptions to this provision are set forth in Bylaw Contact by Coach Employed in Admissions Office. It is permissible for a coach who is employed in the admissions office of the institution to be involved in off-campus admissions programs directed at prospective students in general, provided contact made with a prospective student-athlete before the completion of his or her junior sophomore year in high school is not for the purpose of athletics recruitment (e.g., athletics recruiting presentation). Rationale: As students are encouraged to begin the college search process earlier in their high school careers, the current restrictions on the recruitment of student-athletes create a disconnect between practices of general student recruitment and athletics recruitment. Allowing off-campus contact following the conclusion of a prospective student-athlete's sophomore year in high school enables relationship-building to occur during a time when prospective students are making decisions related to collegiate enrollment and will allow for greater exposure of the Division III philosophy. This proposal would result in more efficient and effective recruitment by granting coaches greater latitude to contact prospective student-athletes at events that coaches are already attending. Budget Impact: To the extent this proposal results in changed recruiting practices, it could have a budget impact.

7 Proposal No. 2015-8 Athletics Celebratory Standardized Signing Form
Intent: To allow the use of a standard NCAA-provided, NONBINDING athletics celebratory signing form after a PSA has been accepted to the institution. Effective Date: April 15, 2015. Bylaws: and Bylaws: Amend , as follows: Letter-of-Intent Prohibition.  An institution shall not use any form of a letter of intent or similar form of commitment in the recruitment of a prospective student-athlete. However, it shall be permissible for the institution to use in the recruitment of a prospective student-athlete its pre-enrollment forms executed by prospective students in general at that institution. [D] Exception -- Nonbinding Athletics Celebratory Form. An institution may use a standard, nonbinding athletics celebratory signing form after a prospective student-athlete has been accepted for enrollment to the institution. The standard form shall be made available by the NCAA national office. Rationale: During the 2014 NCAA Convention, the recruiting working group discussed with the Division III delegates the concept of allowing institutions to use a standard, nonbinding celebratory signing form in the recruitment of prospective student-athletes. Sixty-nine percent of the delegates supported the concept. Permitting the use of a form that is nonbinding will allow for a meaningful commitment experience for Division III prospective student-athletes, similar to those experienced by their peers going to Division I or II institutions. The NCAA provided form will also highlight the core tenets of being a Division III student-athlete and may provide an opportunity to promote the Division III philosophy with the media attending the celebratory signing. Because the form is nonbinding, there would not be any potential adverse consequences for prospective student-athletes that sign the form. Furthermore, while institutions would not be required to use a form, any form other than the standard form provided by the NCAA would not be permissible. Finally, signings could not occur at the collegiate institution, nor could college coaches attend the signings.

8 Athletics Celebratory Standardized Signing Form

9 Keep in Mind!

10 Athletics Celebratory Standardized Signing Form
Keep in mind… The form is optional – for the institution AND the PSA. If your institution does not use this form, it is not permissible to use a substitute form. There is no limit to the number of forms a PSA may sign. What if PSA signed a NLI with a DI or DII school?

11 Athletics Celebratory Standardized Signing Form
Keep in mind… This form does not guarantee a PSA a spot on your institution’s team roster. The form may be printed on institutional letterhead and may include institutional logo. This form does not replace your institution’s pre-enrollment forms (e.g., offer of admission, financial aid).

12 Athletics Celebratory Standardized Signing Form
Keep in mind… It is permissible to personally deliver the form. Your coaches may not be in attendance during a signing, regardless of media presence. Celebratory signings may not occur on your campus. Your institution may not donate or loan equipment or apparel for the PSA to wear during the signing.

13 Proposal No. 2015-9-1 Contact on Each Day of Competition
Intent: To permit coaches to contact a PSA on a day of competition AFTER the competition, provided. PSA has completed all competition for the day; and PSA is released/not considered on-call by appropriate authorities. Effective Date: Immediate. Bylaw: Bylaws: Amend , as follows: Practice and Competition Site. Recruiting contact may not be made with a prospective student-athlete before any athletics competition in which the prospective student-athlete is a participant on a that day of competition, from the time the prospective student-athlete reports on call (at the direction of the prospective student-athlete's coach or comparable authority) and becomes involved in competition-related activity (e.g., traveling to an away-from-home game) until the prospective student-athlete is released for that day by the appropriate institutional authority (e.g., prospective student-athlete's coach or comparable authority) even if the prospective student-athlete is on an official or unofficial visit. Such contact includes any communication (e.g., face-to-face, telephone call or electronic transmission) with a prospective student-athlete at the site of organized competition involving the prospective student-athlete by athletics personnel who are attending the competition or who are aware of the competition. [D] Contact with Prospective Student-Athlete's Relatives or Guardians at Practice or Competition Site. Recruiting contact may be made with the relatives, guardian(s) or individual of a comparable relationship of a contactable prospective student-athlete (see Bylaw ) at the site of the prospective student-athlete's practice or competition, including during the conduct of a competition. Rationale: The principal focus of this legislation should remain the prospective student-athlete, not the efficiency of recruiting from a coaching or institutional perspective. Allowing contact before the start of each day's competition may put undue pressure on or distract a prospect while preparing for that day's competition.

14 Keep in Mind!

15 Contact on Each Day of Competition
Keep in mind… “Released” and “not on-call” are determined by the PSA’s coach (or comparable authority). The contact restrictions apply to any site. Thus, you may not have contact with a PSA - even on your campus - until the PSA has completed all competition for the day and has been released.

16 Stretch Your Mind!

17 Contact on Each Day of Competition
How would this legislation apply to: Day camps/clinics? Overnight camps/clinics? Note: It is impermissible for your athletics department staff members to engage in recruiting activities during institutional camps/clinics. Bylaw:

18 Contact at the Competition Site on Each Day of Competition
Day camp/clinic: As long as the camp/clinic activities are concluded, and the camp/clinic authorities have released a PSA, and do not consider the PSA on-call, your institution may contact the PSA. Overnight camp/clinic: A PSA is not considered released at the end of each day of an overnight camp/clinic. Therefore, it is impermissible to contact a PSA until he/she has concluded all activities, has been released, and is not considered on call at the conclusion of the entire camp/clinic. This is an unofficial interpretation based on Case No Be prepared to draw distinctions between overnight camps and, for example, overnight competitions like AAU tourneys.

19 Proposal No. 2015-10 Official Visit - January 1 of Junior Year
Intent: To allow a PSA to make an official visit as of January 1 of the PSA’s junior year in high school. Effective Date: August 1, 2015. Bylaw: Bylaws: Amend , as follows: First Opportunity to Visit.  A prospective student-athlete may not be provided an official visit earlier than the opening day of classes January 1 of the prospective student-athlete's senior junior year in high school. Rationale: The current prohibition on official visits prior to a prospective student-athlete's opening day of classes of the senior year in high school differentially impacts prospective student-athletes based on the season of their sport. Allowing official visits to occur during the second half of the junior year in high school provides equitable opportunities, regardless of the sport and is more consistent with the general college recruiting process. Earlier official visit opportunities, which include the summer before the senior year of high school, may also reduce missed class time for the prospective student-athletes.

20 Proposal No. NC-2015-5 Unlimited Complimentary Admissions
Intent: To allow an institution to provide, at its discretion, complimentary admissions during an official or unofficial visit to a PSA and those accompanying the PSA. Effective Date: Immediate. Bylaws: and Be aware of the language I use to describe this. Some institutions do charge admission and take it very seriously. Deregulating the complimentary admissions legislation reduces the burden on compliance administrators without significantly increasing cost. Additionally, many Division III institutions do not charge admission to their home athletics events, thus the potential recruiting advantage associated with deregulating the complimentary admissions legislation is minimal. Complimentary Admissions.  During the official visit, complimentary admissions to a home athletics event may be provided only to a prospective student-athlete and the prospective student-athlete's parents, guardian(s), spouse or individual of a comparable relationship individuals accompanying the prospective student-athlete. Providing seating during the conduct of the event (including intermission) for the prospective student-athlete or the prospective student-athlete's parents, guardian(s), spouse or individual of a comparable relationship in the facility's press box, special seating box(as) or bench area is specifically prohibited. B.    Bylaws: Amend , as follows: General Regulations.  During an unofficial visit, the institution may not pay any expenses or provide any entertainment except a maximum of three complimentary admissions, to the prospective student-athlete and the individuals accompanying the prospective student-athlete to a home athletics event at any facility in which the institution's intercollegiate team practices or competes. Additional complimentary admissions may be provided to a prospective student-athlete's parents, guardian(s), spouse or individual of a comparable relationship accompanying the prospective student-athlete on the visit. Such complimentary admissions are for the exclusive use of the prospective student-athlete and those persons accompanying the prospective student-athlete on the visit and must be issued on an individual-game basis. Seating shall be provided in the general seating area of the facility used for conducting the event.  Providing seating during the conduct of the event (including intermission) for the prospective student-athlete or the prospective student-athlete's parents, guardian(s), spouse or individual of a comparable relationship in the facility's press box, special seating box(es) or bench area is specifically prohibited.  Budget Impact: Potential budget impact for institutions that choose to provide an increased number of complimentary admissions to prospective student-athletes and those accompanying prospective student-athletes. Additional Information: Deregulating the complimentary admissions legislation reduces the burden on compliance administrators without significantly increasing cost. Additionally, many Division III institutions do not charge admission to their home athletics events, thus the potential recruiting advantage associated with deregulating the complimentary admissions legislation is minimal.

21 Proposal No. NC-2015-21 Meals for Individuals Accompanying the PSA.
Intent: To allow an institution to provide meals during an official visit to individuals accompanying the PSA. Effective Date: Immediate. Bylaw: Bylaws: Amend , as follows: Meals on Official Visit. The cost of actual meals, not to exceed three per day, on the official visit for a prospective student-athlete and the prospective student-athlete's parents, guardian(s), spouse or individual of a comparable relationship individuals accompanying the prospective student-athlete need not be included in the $40-per-day entertainment expense. A dessert or after-meal snack also may be excluded. [R] Budget Impact: Potential budget impact for institutions that choose to provide an increased number of meals to encompass individuals accompanying prospective student-athletes. Additional Information: This proposal deregulates the limitations regarding who may receive meals with the prospective student-athlete on an official visit by allowing additional individuals, such as siblings, accompany the prospective student-athlete on an official visit to receive meals. This deregulation will reduce the burden on compliance administrators without creating a significant competitive or recruiting advantage

22 Official Visits

23 Official Visit Limitations
First opportunity to visit. January 1 of PSA’s junior year (effective August 1, 2015). One visit per PSA per institution. Resets on October 15 after the PSA’s completion of high school. Not to exceed 48 hours in length. Begins with PSA’s arrival on institution’s campus. PSA must depart campus immediately upon conclusion of 48-hour period. Bylaws: and

24 RSRO Question A PSA will come to our campus for an official visit. The PSA’s visit will conclude at 2 p.m. on Sunday. The PSA and the PSA’s family plan to vacation in the area until Tuesday. Can our institution still pay the cost of the PSA’s return flight? No. Bylaw says that the PSA’s transportation must be without delay for personal or entertainment purposes. The institution may still pay cost of transportation to the institution and other official visit costs, but may not pay for PSA’s return home.

25 Transportation on Official Visit
Institution may pay PSA’s actual round-trip transportation costs, provided a direct route between PSA’s home and campus is used. PSA only, UNLESS: PSA travels by car and receives mileage reimbursement. Others may accompany PSA in the car. Institution may provide transportation from the airport for PSA and individuals accompanying PSA. Bylaw:

26 Transportation on Official Visit
PSA visiting two or more institutions. Institutions can share cost of travel expenses. No duplication of expenses. Only actual and necessary expenses may be provided. 48-hour limitation must be observed at each institution. Bylaw:

27 RSRO Question Institution A and Institution B are in the same town. PSA will be participating in official visits to both institutions. Can a coaching staff member from Institution B pick the PSA up at Institution A and transport the PSA to Institution B? Yes. Bylaw allows two institutions to share travel expenses when a PSA is engaging in official visits to both institutions. Bylaw allows a coach to accompany a PSA to or from an official visit when travelling by automobile.

28 Accommodations on Official Visit
PSA may receive lodging consistent with that available to regular students. Local commercial facilities may be used. Must be on a scale comparable to normal student life. Must be within 30 miles of the institution’s campus. Parents may receive lodging. Additional individuals may stay in PSA’s or parents’ room but institution may not pay costs resulting from additional occupants. Bylaw:

29 Entertainment on Official Visit
Institution may provide entertainment. Complimentary admissions. May be provided to home athletics events for PSA and individuals accompanying PSA. $40 per day to student host. Must cover cost of entertaining both PSA and student host. Neither PSA nor student host may contribute to the cost of institutionally organized entertainment (I ). PSA may contribute to the cost of entertainment that is not arranged by the institution. Bylaws: , and an Official Interp. (12/3/1992, Item No. 2)

30 Meals on Official Visit
Three meals per day to PSA and individuals accompanying PSA. Meals must occur on campus. May be purchased from outside vendors (at a scale comparable to normal student life). May occur off campus if on campus facilities are closed. A meal may be hosted at a staff member’s home on one occasion, provided the meal/entertainment is not excessive in nature. Bylaw:

31 RSRO Question PSA’s parents are unable to accompany PSA on her official visit. PSA’s older sister will attend instead. Can our institution pay for PSA’s sister’s lodging? PSA’s sister’s meals? Lodging – No. Unless PSA’s sister stays in the same room as PSA and there is no charge for the additional person. Meals – Yes. Proposal No. NC deregulated the meals on official visit legislation to allow an institution to pay for meals for any individual accompanying the PSA.

32 Official Visit Expenses
PSA PSA’s Parents/Guardians Others Transportation Yes No* Lodging Meals Complimentary Admissions Entertainment No

33 Exception to Official Visit
Programming/benefits available to all prospective students. Not considered an official visit if PSA receives expenses provided by the admissions department that are available to all prospective students. If any single expense is provided by the athletic department, it becomes an official visit.

34 RSRO Miscellaneous

35 RSRO Miscellaneous $100 Our institution has a PSA who submitted a financial deposit to attend our institution in the fall. The PSA injured his ankle this summer and would like to use the services provided in our athletic-training room. Permissible? It depends. If the PSA is enrolled in your institution’s summer term, the PSA may receive athletics-training room services. Bylaw:

36 RSRO Miscellaneous $200 Can our athletics department tweet about a PSA who has submitted a financial deposit (without tagging PSA in the tweet)? Yes. Bylaw: Can our athletics department retweet a PSA after the PSA has submitted a financial deposit? Before May 1 – No. On or after May 1 – Yes. Bylaw:

37 RSRO Miscellaneous $300 Local prospect-aged individual would like to engage in an unpaid internship in our institution’s athletic department. PSA would receive high school credit for the internship. Is this permissible? No. Bylaw allows a PSA to be employed at a member institution in any department OUTSIDE of intercollegiate athletics. Allowing a PSA to engage in an unpaid internship would constitute an impermissible recruiting inducement. Official Interpretation: April 15, 2015.

38 Questions?

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