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Creative Future’s Project Presentation By Micah Abbey.

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1 Creative Future’s Project Presentation By Micah Abbey

2 Client Project at Goodwin Trust
Creating two online video guidelines on how to promote yourself i.e. your brand, any achievements or projects that you're most proud of on social media. The target audience is between the ages of 16 to 29. Working with Goodwin Trust on the project, there are two different groups, Hull based youth that are looking to promote themselves on social media and asylum seekers. I will be working alongside Goodwin to help these two individual groups grow their brand on social media.

3 Let’s talk about the content of each video

4 A breakdown For each online video there will be a couple of interviews with professional PR businesses ideally Hull based. The interviews will touch of subjects such as how these PR people got into the industry that there in, how they promote themselves and giving advice to these groups on how to conduct & promote themselves i.e. networking, sharing, liking posts etc.

5 Video one & two One video will focus mainly on Facebook and how to use that platform to promote yourself. The second video will be more geared towards Twitter and using that platform to promote yourself.

6 Editorial decisions I made
for the video

7 Executive decision making
I went back and forth between if I should show my face and use my voice in a voice over, since I'm keen to go into voice work it seemed like a good idea. However since this project requires us to essential be entrepreneurs or at the very lease approach the project like I am an entrepreneur or businessman. I made the executive decision not to include my face or voice because this project isn't about me it's about these two individual groups and how they can give their future careers a boost using a social media platform. Instead I will use edits from each interview to illustrate the narrative.

8 Design decisions Design decisions -

9 The video's will be between 2 to 4 minutes long because, short attention span of 19 minutes. Personally I have a short attention span, I'm around the same age as most of these young people at Goodwin, so if I was one of them I wouldn't want to watch a video that is longer than 5 minutes. I considered using YouTube, but in the past to be quite honest I have faced many technical issues with uploading successful to YouTube, it's never been a smooth transition. This is why I have made the decision to use Vimeo instead, because it looks more professional.

10 I consider using different sites such as Word press and also Wix as a platform for my videos to sit on but I chose Shorthand social because it's very mobile friendly. Most people use their phones so it's likely that any website that I create people will likely look at it on their phones. So it was very important that I picked a site that was mobile friendly because my target audience is between the ages of 16 to 29.

11 But how will I achieve this goal?

12 With the assistance of Goodwin I will be doing focus groups in the New Year with each group to collect data. This will help me ask the right questions during the interviews because I will find out directly from my own audience what they want to know and find out self promotion on social media. There will be an appropriate adult with me during focus group session to help keep things from getting rowdy and stay on topic.

13 Research I have done thus far
Research thus far

14 Similar to my Major project I did a lot of social media based research.
I looked at twitter analytics and used that to identify who my audience were, in terms of gender and age, I was able to find out what their interest were based on my research. I did this because it's important to go into this project knowing what my audience want and need.

15 always going to be setbacks and issues to overcome…
Let’s be real there are always going to be setbacks and issues to overcome…

16 Ups and Downs I had communication issues with Goodwin the first few weeks of the project. There would be a period of time were I would get responses back from them at a decent speed then there were other times when I would not here back from them for long periods of time. I would call and but the responses were at times vague. But so far I have overcome this by just pushing forward and calling until someone gave me straight forward answer. I had my first face to face meeting with Lloyd Dobbs, the meeting went well he was fully on board my idea and agreed to the focus groups.

17 Yes there is a Gantt chart
Tom’s planner it’s a work in progress


19 The presentation has reached an end

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