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H G & D Chapter 2 JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review.

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Presentation on theme: "H G & D Chapter 2 JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 H G & D Chapter 2 JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review

2 Theories Scientists Vocab Freud Potpourri 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 Theories 100 Emphasizes the influence of unconscious drives and motives. A: What is psychoanalytical? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

4 Theories 200 A: What is classical conditioning?
Pavlov’s experiment with dogs was an early demonstration of this. A: What is classical conditioning? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

5 Theories 300 Emphasizes the sequences and processes by which behavior
is learned. What is behaviorism? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

6 Theories 400 Emphasizes the way people think and understand the world shaping attitudes, beliefs, and behavior. A: What is cognitive? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

7 Theories 500 A: What is epigenetic?
Suggests each person is born with genetic possibilities that must be nurtured in order to grow. A: What is epigenetic? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

8 Scientists 100 According to this scientist, there are 8 stages, each dealing with a crisis. A: Who is Erikson? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

9 Scientists 200 A: Who is Watson?
More likely to agree with this statement… “anything can be learned”. A: Who is Watson? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

10 Scientists 300 A: Who is Skinner?
American psychologist who explained complex human behavior in terms of operant conditioning. A: Who is Skinner? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

11 Scientists 400 His theory focused primarily on how our thinking changes as we grow older. A: Who is Piaget? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

12 Scientists 500 His theory has been criticized for neglecting the role of genes in guiding behavior. A: Who is Vygotsky? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

13 Vocab 100 An integral part of social learning theory that involves people’s patterning their behavior after that of others. What is modeling? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

14 Vocab 200 A: What is reinforcement?
Teaching a dog to “speak” by giving it a treat. A: What is reinforcement? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

15 Vocab 300 A: What is the zone of proximal development?
The range of skills a child can exercise with assistance but cannot perform independently. A: What is the zone of proximal development? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

16 Vocab 400 An individual’s understanding no longer fits his or her present experience. A: What is disequilibrium? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

17 Vocab 500 Developmentalists who accept elements from several theories instead of a single perspective. A: What is eclectic perspective? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

18 Freud 100 Sucking and feeding are most important.
A: What is the oral stage? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

19 Freud 200 Potty training is the most important. A: What is anal stage?
S2C06 Jeopardy Review

20 Freud 300 Pleasure derived from genital stimulation.
A: What is phallic stage? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

21 Freud 400 Not a stage but an interlude and children focus on schoolwork and sports. A: What is latency stage? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

22 Freud 500 Young person seeks heterosexual relationships during adolescence. A: What is genital stage? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

23 Potpourri 100 A: What is learning theory?
Another name for behaviorism. A: What is learning theory? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

24 Potpourri 200 4 stages of Piaget’s theory are sensorimotor, preoperational, formal operational, and this. A: What is concrete operational? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

25 Potpourri 300 A: What is respondant conditioning?
Another name for classical conditioning. A: What is respondant conditioning? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

26 Potpourri 400 A: What is instrumental conditioning?
Another name for operant conditioning. A: What is instrumental conditioning? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

27 Potpourri 500 A: What is cognitive equillibrium?
In Piaget’s theory, this refers to a state of mental balance. A: What is cognitive equillibrium? S2C06 Jeopardy Review

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