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Ms. Bennett’s Rules and Procedures

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Bennett’s Rules and Procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Bennett’s Rules and Procedures
The Basics Ms. Bennett’s Rules and Procedures

2 Be punctual.

3 Be prepared daily.


5 Be respectful.


7 Be focused.

8 Be honest.

9 Be positive.

10 Follow all rules in the Mount Tabor Handbook i. e. : Mt
Follow all rules in the Mount Tabor Handbook i.e.: Mt. Tabor’s Dress Code Policy & Tardy Policy

11 Classroom Procedures 1. Pick up all handouts. 2. Turn in assignments. 3. Get all materials ready for the day BEFORE the bell rings. 4. Turn cell phones OFF. 5. Complete the warm up for the day without talking.

12 Do not sharpen your pencil while someone else is talking.

13 Do not put your head down in class.

14 Keep all electronic devices OFF and put away during class.

15 Save all papers!

16 Turn in your work on time.

17 If you are absent, check for make-up work.

18 Mercy Moment from Ms. Bennett
Mercy Moments Mercy Moment from Ms. Bennett Good for one hall pass OR one homework or quiz grade turned in late at no penalty. You receive 4, and these are your only bathroom passes!

19 My room is not a beauty salon.

20 Do not talk while others are talking.

21 Study before tests. Read a little bit every night.

22 Don’t be afraid to ask for help!
Ms. Bennett's Website

23 Materials and Grading Policy

24 Homework: Complete bottom half of Rules sheet.
Take home for parent to sign. Bring back signed.

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