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Contract Verbs Chapter 17

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1 Contract Verbs Chapter 17

2 Introduction Verbs whose stems end in alpha, epsilon, or omicron are called contract verbs. The final vowel of the stem is called the contract vowel. The stem of avgapa,w is *agapa. Contract verbs follow the same rules as the other verbs in their various forms. The difference is that when their final stem vowel comes in contact with the connecting vowel, the two vowels contract, thus forming a different vowel or dipthong. *poie + omen= poiou/men Contract verbs are categorized by their final stem vowel; each category is consistent in the way it forms its endings.

3 eo, oe, and oo ou poie,w poiou/men ee ei poie,w poiei/te ae a avgapa,w
become ou poie,w becomes poiou/men ee becomes ei poie,w poiei/te ae becomes a avgapa,w avgapa/te

4 lu,w I Loose lu,eij You Loose lu,ei He Looses lu,omen We Loose lu,ete
Singular lu,w I Loose lu,eij You Loose lu,ei He Looses Plural lu,omen We Loose lu,ete Ya’ll Loose lu,ousi(n) They Loose

5 avgapaw/ I Love avgapa/|j You Love avgapa/| He Loves avgapw/men
Singular avgapaw/ I Love avgapa/|j You Love avgapa/| He Loves Plural avgapw/men We Love avgapa/te Ya’ll Love avgapw/sin They Love

6 poiw/ I Do poiei/j You Do poiei/ He Does poiou/men We Do poiei/te
Singular poiw/ I Do poiei/j You Do poiei/ He Does Plural poiou/men We Do poiei/te Ya’ll Do poiou/sin They Do

7 Pa/j o` gegennhme,noj evk tou/ qeou/ a`marti,an ouv poiei/
Having been born 1 John 3:9

8 Mh. avgapa/te to. n ko,smon mhde. ta
Mh. avgapa/te to.n ko,smon mhde. ta. evn tw/| ko,smw|Å eva,n tij avgapa/| to.n ko,smon( ouvk e;stin h` avga,ph tou/ patro.j evn auvtw/|\ Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. (1 John 2:15)

9 Tekni,a( mh. avgapw/men lo,gw| mhde. th/| glw,ssh| avlla
Tekni,a( mh. avgapw/men lo,gw| mhde. th/| glw,ssh| avlla. evn e;rgw| kai. avlhqei,a|Å Children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and truth (1 John 3:18)


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