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J. K. Gupta, Scientist ‘D’, Bureau of Indian Standards

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1 J. K. Gupta, Scientist ‘D’, Bureau of Indian Standards
Standards for Security and Safety 4th NATIONAL CONCLAVE ON STANDARDS FOR TECHNICAL TEXTILES – 21 FEB 2019, NEW DELHI J. K. Gupta, Scientist ‘D’, Bureau of Indian Standards

2 Protech Sector – Security & Safety
Protective technical textiles are specialty textiles that provide protection to wearer in hazardous situations like fire & heat, chemical exposure, ballistic protection and other extreme atmosphere conditions. The main products include FR fabrics and apparels, Protective clothing for industrial workers, protective clothing and Gloves for fire fighter, high visibility clothing, Full body protector used by RAF, Bullet Proof jackets, vest, Helmets & Shields, Chemical protective clothing, High altitude clothing, Industrial gloves etc. The segment has grown at 7% in the last five years. The segment is projected to reach to Rs.3139 crore by growing at 9% CAGR.

3 Standardization of Protech
Standards for Protective Textiles at National Level are being formulated by the following two committees at BIS: Textiles Protective Clothing Sectional Committee, TXD 32 Scope:- Covers Formulation of Indian Standards for testing and specification for textile protective clothing for protection from fire and other health/life hazards. Occupational Safety, Health and Chemical Hazard, CHD 08 Scope:- To formulate Indian Standard for i) Terminology relating to Occupational Health and Safety ii) Specifications and code of practice for testing of safety equipment iii) Code of safety for operational hazards in industries other than chemical industries iv) Occupational health and safety management system, procedure and practices. No. of standards formulated- TXD32– 33 and CHD


5 IS 17051-2018 Bullet Resistant Jacket
This standard prescribes the minimum performance requirements of bullet resistant jackets for protection against small arms and ammunition and provides procedures for their evaluation. The scope of the standard is limited to physical and ballistic evaluation of bullet resistant jackets against in-service small arms ammunition used by the Indian armed forces, paramilitary, state police forces and other law enforcement agencies. This standard does not cover the threats from knives, sharply pointed instruments and shards, splinters and fragments from the hand grenades.

6 IS BRJ helps in absorbing impact and stop penetration of bullet from small arm/Rifle round Consist mainly of following component- i) Soft armour panel (SAP) (Front, back, groin, neck, collar etc ) ii) Hard armour panel (HAP), (Front, Back and side for 360º protection) iii) Carrier to hold SAP & HAP

7 IS Specifies five size designations based on chest/bust girth- XS (72-80 cm), S (above 80-88), M (above 88-96), L (above ), XL (above ). Shall be designed ergonomically to minimize restrictions of movement – Ensured by conducting field tests by personnel. Includes optional requirements of Quick release system, Dynamic weight distribution system and high buoyancy jackets. Covers physical requirements like protection area of SAP and HAP, maximum aerial densities of BR panels and Total weight of jacket. Specifies 6 threat levels faced by Indian Army and Para military (Level 1 to 6).

8 Requirements of outer carrier fabric
Test Parameter Requirement Test Method Mass, g/m2, Max 160 IS 7016 (Part 1) Tensile strength, N, Min: a) Warp wise b) Weft wise 1150 900 IS 7016 (Part 2) Tear strength, N, Min: 140 IS 7016 (Part 3), Method A2, Trouser shaped test piece, Single tear method Flame resistance test: a) Duration of flame (After flame time), s, Max b) Duration of afterglow, s, Max 5 IS 11871, Method A Resistance to water penetration ( 30 cm water column for 30 min) No water penetration IS 7016 Part 7 Colour fastness , Min 4 IS 2454

9 Minimum Coverage Areas of Components of Soft Armour Panel (m2)
Size Total Protection Area of SAP (Including Torso, Neck, Shoulders and Groins) Total Protection Area for shoulder only Total Protection Area for Groin only Total Protection Area for Neck and Collar only XS 0.45 0.035 0.05 S 0.50 M 0.55 L 0.60 0.04 0.06 XL 0.65

10 Minimum Coverage Areas of Components of Hard Armour Panel (m2)
Panel/Size XS S M L XL Front/Back Side (optional) Groin (Optional) Throat (Optional) Total (considering front and back, two sides, throat and groin) 0.260 0.271 0.283 0.295 0.308 Total (considering only front and back) 0.133 0.140 0.147 0.154 0.162

11 Areal Density, Max Threat level Areal Density (25mm BFS) Areal Density (44mm BFS) SAP HAP Standalone 1 5 3.8 2 15 21 20 3 16 22 4 23 29 27 33 25 30 6 40 46 38 44

12 Threat levels Threat Level Ammunition Impact Velocity, m/s
Impact Velocity, m/s Bullet weight, g Remarks 1 9 × 19 mm, SM, MP-5, Carbine) 430 ± 15 For all flexible panels 2 7.62 × 39 mm, AK 47, MSC 710 ± 15 3 7.62 × 51 mm, NATO ball, SLR/BAR 840 ± 15 In addition, shall be compliance with threat level 2 4 5.56 × 45 mm, INSAS 890 ± 15 In addition, shall be compliance with threat level 3 5 7.62 × 39 mm, AK 47, HSC 700 ± 15 6 7.62 × 54R, API 830 ± 15

13 Performance requirements
Maximum permissible BFS limits shall be 25 mm or 44 mm. Critical Defect  a) Complete Perforation (HAP and SAP) OR b) BFS of any shot exceeding 10 percent of maximum permissible limit. OR c) Ballistic limit — V50,BL < V50, Manufacturer [permissible up to (-)10 m/s]  Major Defect a) Perforation of HAP but stopped by SAP. OR b) Any BFS > 25 mm or 44 mm (with UPL ≤ 25 mm or 44 mm) UPL- The probability of a single BFS exceeding maximum permissible limit shall be less than 10 percent with 95 percent confidence level in one sided tolerance level

14 Shelf life & its Assessment
Shelf life of SAP and HAP ballistic panels shall be minimum 5 years SERVICE LIFE ASSESSMENT – For SAP- Environmental chamber (Temp. 65 ± 5°C, humidity- 80 ± 5 %, Time -10 days) with tumbling apparatus (Rotation - 5 ± 1 rpm, Total Rotation ± 1500) For HAP- a) Uniform thermal exposure (Temp. 65 ± 5°C, humidity- 80 ± 5 %, Time -10 days)  b) Cyclic thermal exposure test (Varying temp. and humidity) c) Mechanical drop test

15 Performance requirements after operating conditions
Extreme temperatures (For SAP & HAP) – High (70 ± 5°C for 4 h) and low (minus 40 ± 5°C for 4 h) Fluid exposure (For SAP & HAP) - Water resistant (water head of 150 ± 10 mm for 30 minutes) and Sea water resistance (water head of 145 ± 10 mm for 30 minutes) In transit conditions (For HAP only) – Mechanical drop (Height 1.2m and total weight on armour- 10 kg) and vibration test (25.4 mm peak-to-peak, circular synchronous motion at a frequency of 5 Hz for 1 h)

16 Brief testing procedure

17 Fair hit criteria a) From the edge:
1) At minimum distance of 51 mm in case of HAP (ICW or standalone configuration) or any flexible/rigid armour panel. 2) For SAP – between 51mm and 70mm from edge for shot numbers 1, 2, 3. 3) At less than 51 mm from edge but does not cause perforation or excessive BFS. b) From a prior shot: 1) At minimum distance of 51 mm in case of SAP/ HAP (ICW or standalone configuration) or any flexible/rigid armour panel. 2) At less than 51 mm distance from the prior shot but does not cause perforation or excessive BFS. c) Velocity: 1) At velocity within the specified range. 2) At a velocity less than the specified range but causes perforation or excessive BFS. 3) At a velocity more than the specified range and less than specified inter-shot distance and/or less than specified edge to shot and does not cause perforation or excessive BFS.

IS 16726:2017 POUCH FOR AMMUNITION AND GRENADES MADE OF DISRUPTIVE PATTERN NYLON 6 6 Pouch for ammunition and grenades (Ammo pouches) provide security in storing ammunition, magazines and grenades with ease and safety. Ammo pouches can be used with rifles, shotguns, and grenade launchers, making them the perfect versatile tool for carrying the necessary accessories for weapons. Ammo pouches have been shaped and formed to specifically suit different needs for different guns, as well as for other weapons like individual grenades.

The main role of tactical sling is to serves the tactical requirements of a specific combat scenario. It is a type of strap or harness designed to allow a shooter to carry a firearm (usually a long gun such as a rifle, carbine, shotgun, or submachine gun) on his/her person and/or aid in greater hit probability with that firearm. A tactical sling also makes simple tasks like reading maps and opening doors easier while maintaining control and accessibility to firearm.

20 IS 15748:2007 TEXTILES - PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FOR INDUSTRIAL WORKERS EXPOSED TO HEAT (EXCLUDING FIREFIGHTERS' AND WELDERS' CLOTHING) (WITH AMENDMENT NO. 1) Applicable to protective clothing consisting of outer garments made from flexible material to protect specific parts of the body. Hoods and gaiters are included but all other types of protection for the head, hands and feet are excluded. It specifies the following requirements: The limited Flame Spread Index (code letter A) (IS /ISO 15025) Heat resistance as per with ISO at a temperature of (180 ± 5)°C; no ignition or melting and shrinkage not more than 5 percent and One or more of other heat transmission performance requirement (code letters B to F) at level 1 or above: Convective Heat - Heat Transmission Index (Code Letter B; Levels B1 to B5) (IS /ISO 9151)

21 Radiant Heat (Code Letter C; Levels C1 to C4) (IS 15748-2/ISO 6942)
IS 15748:2007 TEXTILES - PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FOR INDUSTRIAL WORKERS EXPOSED TO HEAT (EXCLUDING FIREFIGHTERS' AND WELDERS' CLOTHING) (WITH AMENDMENT NO. 1) Radiant Heat (Code Letter C; Levels C1 to C4) (IS /ISO 6942) Molten Aluminum Splash (Code Letter D; Levels D1 to D3) (IS /ISO 9185) Molten Iron Splash (Code Letter E; Levels E1 to E3) (IS /ISO 9185) Contact Heat (Code Letter F; Levels F1 to F3) (ISO ) Durability of Flame Retardant Treatment (50 Laundering Cycles)

22 Durability of Flame Retardant Treatment after 50 laundering cycles
IS 15742:2007 TEXTILES - CLOTHING MADE OF LIMITED FLAME SPREAD MATERIALS AND MATERIAL ASSEMBLIES AFFORDING PROTECTION AGAINST HEAT AND FLAME (WITH AMENDMENT NO. 1) Specifies the following requirements for the limited flame spread properties of textile materials and material assemblies used in protective clothing affording protection against heat and flame mainly due to accidental contact with small igniting flame: Fire Retardancy in terms of Flame Spread Index 1, 2 or 3. The value 1 being the minimum and 3 as maximum flame protection Durability of Flame Retardant Treatment after 50 laundering cycles This standard is applicable to clothing used in kitchens of office canteens, guest houses, restaurants, hotels, motels, inns, hospitals, etc. Materials giving Index 1 shall only be used as part of a material assembly complying with Index 2 or Index 3 and shall be supplied with a statement that they shall not be used next to the skin.

Flame or hole not to reach the upper or either vertical edge of specimen No flaming or molten debris Any afterglow shall not spread from the carbonized area to the undamaged area after the cessation of flaming. Additional Requirements for FSI 2 No specimen shall give hole formation. Additional Requirements for FSI 3 Mean after flame time of any set of six specimens shall not exceed 2 s.

Specifies following requirements for the resistance to ignition of textile curtains or drapes or their fabrics for use in public places/buildings as per their hazards categories, such as: Ignitability Durability of FR Treatment up to 50 laundering cycles Toxicity on Burning (Toxicity Index of 1.00 Max) Visibility due to Smoke Released on Combustion (Class A or Class B when tested as per IS 15782). The Hazard Category of public places/buildings are as per the National Building Code (NBC) Of India 2016 and cover these as under: Low Hazard Occupancies, Moderate Hazard Occupancies and High hazard Occupancies

25 IS 15768:2008 TEXTILES – RESISTANCE TO IGNITION OF UPHOLSTERY FABRICS USED FOR NON-DOMESTIC FURNITURE (WITH AMENDMENT NO. 1) This standard specifies the following requirements for upholstery fabrics for non-domestic furniture: Ignitability depending upon the Category of Hazard of Public Place/Building Low Hazard Category – To pass the smouldering cigarette test and the match flame equivalent test Moderate Hazard Category – To pass the smouldering cigarette test, the match flame equivalent test and the crib test (Source 1) High Hazard Category - To pass the smouldering cigarette test, the match flame equivalent test and the crib test (Source 2) Durability of Flame Retardant Property – To pass the relevant ignition tests as applicable for the type of hazard category before and after 50 laundering cycles. Toxicity Index (1.0 Max) Visibility Due to Smoke Released on Combustion (Class A or Class B when tested as per IS 15782)

26 Other Important standards formulated on Security & safety
IS : 2018 Protective clothing for Fire fighter IS : 2018 Protective gloves for fire fighter IS : 2017 Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes IS : 1999 Flame Retardant Protective Hoods IS : 2003 Molten Metal Splash Protective Hoods IS : 2017 High Visibility Warning Clothes IS : 2002 Chemical Protective Clothing Test Methods for testing and evaluation of Flame Retardancy/Flammability/Ignition Resistance of these FR Textiles, Floor Coverings, Blankets, etc.

27 Important Standards Under Development on Security and Safety
Bullet resistant vest, BR Shield, BR Helmet Coat parka/ECC/Siachen clothing Heat and cut resistance clothing Water proof multipurpose rain poncho with convertibility as bivouac Rucksack/Sleeping bags Unarmed combat dress Cooling scarf, Aluminized fire proximity suits Anti flash hoods Protective clothing for cement handlers and porters Full body protector for use by law enforcing agencies LLIN

28 CONCLUSIONS Standardization in the field of Protech has been carried out by BIS taking into consideration the latest technological advancement in the field through consultative process of all the stakeholder. I call upon all the stakeholder of Protech to actively participate in the standard setting process for furthering the cause of National Standardization. I appeal to all the stakeholders of Protech sector to come forward and implement the Indian Standards in their area of activity and adopt the BIS certification scheme in promoting the quality of their product and to promote Make in India initiative of Govt. of India.



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