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Reconstructing Pluralism

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstructing Pluralism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstructing Pluralism
Introductory Class

2 “Pluralism denotes a diversity of views or stands rather than a single approach or method.”
- Wikipedia

3 “[Horace Kallen’s] vision of cultural pluralism: the consensus of different cultures to recognize and respect one another, to communicate with one another, to work together if possible, and to agree to peacefully disagree if not.” -

4 “Pluralism is the process of creating a society through critical and self-critical encounter with one another, acknowledging rather than hiding our deepest differences.” -

5 Diversity vs engagement with diversity
Tolerance vs understanding Relativism vs encounter of commitments Embrace of distinctiveness and conviction we can create a “one” Dialogue

6 Power (multiculturalism)
Racial equity Limits of liberalism (at a minimum, expectation of no harm; at best, affirmative presumption of good will) Separatists Fundamentalists Reinforcement of status quo

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