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SAT List #7 5 on front, 5 on back.

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1 SAT List #7 5 on front, 5 on back.
desolate despot didactic dilatory diminution delectable delineate demagogue depravity desecrate

2 Guess the: P.O.S. & definition
Context Clues: Guess the: P.O.S. & definition The delectable dessert was eaten in a matter of seconds. (adj) delicious; delightful; savory The commander made sure to delineate the plan to the rest of his troops. 2. (v) describe; outline; depict Hitler was a demagogue who eventually rose to power in Nazi Germany. 3. (n) incendiary; agitator; opportunist

3 "De"se words rock! The dilatory student did not even bother bringing in his notebook or pencil. 4. (adj) lackadaisical, lazy, remiss 5. Nobody could believe that such depravity existed in the murderer. 5. (n) perverted disposition; wickedness; vileness; corruption 6. The church walls were desecrate(d) by graffiti and foul language. 6. (v) contaminate; profane; defile

4 D-d-d-on't forget to study!
After being stranded on the island, the desolate man gave up hope in being found. 7. (adj) alone; without hope or comfort; forsaken It is hard to think of another despot worse than Hitler . 8. (n) dictator; tyrant; totalitarian The book was used for didactic purposes and was not a book to be read for fun. 9. (adj) pedantic; academic; for teaching

5 Last one! 10. The diminution of food suggested that a trip to the grocery store was necessary. 10. (n) decrease; reduction

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