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8-c) Expert Group & River Basin Network on WFD & Agriculture

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1 8-c) Expert Group & River Basin Network on WFD & Agriculture
Strategic Co-ordination Group Brussels, 8/9 November 2011 Nicolas Rouyer European Commission DG Environment D1 Water Resources Slide 1 / 17

2 Overview presentation:
April 2011 – November 2011: key events Guidance on making measures at farm level” CAP reform RBMP assessment / agriculture Pesticides Directive (SUD) Blueprint & agriculture River Basin Network Water saving potential in agriculture in Europe Conference on water pricing in agriculture 2012: last year of the mandate Upcoming events in 2012 Slide 2 / 17

3 60 members attend on average. Sub-group = RBN
DG ENV More than 100 members 60 members attend on average. Sub-group = RBN Temporary expert group. We can disappear after next year

4 1. April 2011 – November 2011: key events
• Meeting of the Expert Group (13 Sept, Warsaw, Poland) • Conference "Water pricing in agriculture: on track for a fair and efficient policy in Europe?" (14 Sept, Warsaw, Poland) • Discussion on the River Basin Network activity and adaptation of the work programme (still on going) Slide 4 / 19

5 2. Guidance for administrations
on making WFD agricultural measures clear & transparent at farm level • Was endorsed by the Water Directors last May in Budapest • End of translation to all EU languages expected for mid-November. DG ENV has started to upload versions on its website: • Further development will be considered with the EG Slide 5 / 17

6 3. Common Agricultural Policy reform
• Legal proposals were not out at the time of the EG meeting • Water Directors’ discussions were presented • A focus was done on WFD in cross compliance • Stakeholders shared their views on possible options • On 12 October legal proposals were published by COM • Now discussions at the Council & Parliament in view of adoption by co-decision (no timetable available). Slide 6 / 17

7 4. RBMP assessment / agriculture
• Trends from the 2009 draft RBMP assessment confirmed • Usual technical measures: reduction of fertilisers (92%) and pesticides (72%), hydromorphology (76%), erosion (63%), multi-purpose (61%), water saving (45%) • Usual economic instruments: water pricing (34%), compensation for land cover (27%) • Usual non-technical measures: advice and training (79%), awareness raising (66%), • Existing differences in the RBMPs (level of detail etc.) and availability of background documents complicate the assessment process Slide 7 / 17

8 5. Pesticides Directive (SUD)
• The discussion was not an initiative by DG ENV (DG Health is in charge) • 12 MS reported (AT, BE, CY, DK, EE, FI, FR, NL, PL, PT, SE, UK). • Main findings: the same active substances are found in water bodies a majority of MS are expected to transpose the directive on time (26 November 2011), - the main measures are control on spraying equipment, training and certification for users, advisors and distributors of pesticides, regulation of aerial spraying, … - many MS implement buffer zone measures around the habitation and some environmental sensitive places (drinking water catchments, …) Slide 8 / 17

9 6. Blueprint & agriculture
• the EG had its first brainstorming. Main trends: Better integration of policies Proper implementation of existing legislation CAP and WFD No additional legislation, less bureaucracy, streamlining of reporting Ecosystem services and Environmental flows Better assessment and information gaps Better targeting of existing instruments, cost-effectiveness of measures Advisory services, training, capacity building, awareness raising, local involvement • the EG will organise a dedicated workshop on 3 April in Brussels Slide 9 / 17

10 River Basin Network Slide 10 / 19

11 7. River Basin Network • Lately lack of resources for the coordination of the RBN • The RBN activity now becomes a priority and DG ENV allocates addition resources • The objectives of the RBN are maintained • The work programme is adapted • The RBN and the Expert Group will meet in Zaragoza on January 2012. Slide 11 / 17

12 8. Water saving potential in agriculture in Europe: findings from the existing studies and application to case studies • The aim is to provide clarification on the current situation of agricultural water use in Europe, • to compile conclusions from numerous studies available in order to provide input on the options that need to be considered at EU level in order to maximise savings in agricultural water use. • This input may be used inter alia for developing recommendations for MS and RB authorities. The project will also feed in the Blueprint.  EG members were invited to provide feedback. The study should be finalised at the end of this year. Slide 12 / 17

13 9. Conference "Water pricing in agriculture: on track for a fair and efficient policy in Europe?"
• This conference was co-organised by the Water Directorate of Poland and DG ENV on 14 September in Warsaw. The initiative aimed to contribute to the Blueprint. • Based on the intermediate results of a DG ENV study on “The role of water pricing and water allocation in agriculture in delivering sustainable water use in Europe”, the conference provided opportunities: 1. to better understand the concept and policy application of water pricing and water allocation in agriculture, 2. to review the current situation across the EU 3. to share the first findings from case studies. 4. to prepare recommendations for the Blueprint. • The water pricing experts designated by the SCG have been fully associated to this activity. Slide 13 / 19

14 Field trip in Poland Slide 14 / 17

15 10. 2012: last year of the mandate
Decisions taken by the EG: To continue the activity on CAP & WFD To focus on the Blueprint (dedicated workshop in Brussels on 3 April 2012) RBN activity becomes a priority and experiences should feed more and more the Blueprint (in particular for the workshop) Slide 15 / 17 15

16 10. 2012: last year of the mandate
4. Possible discussion on floods & agriculture 5. Marine issues are now tackled under the implementation of MSFD and our contribution could be cut down 6. Climate change & agriculture was addressed at a dedicated workshop 7. EG ready to prepare a new mandate if requested by the Water Directors Slide 16 / 17 16

17 11. Upcoming events in 2012 • January 2012 River Basin Network workshop organised by the Ebro river basin in Zaragoza • 3 April: EG workshop on the Blueprint in Brussels • 4 April: EG biannual meeting in Brussels • 6 or 7 September: EG biannual meeting in Brussels Slide 17 / 17

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