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Panther PRIDE Classroom Expectations and Getting to Know Each Other

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Presentation on theme: "Panther PRIDE Classroom Expectations and Getting to Know Each Other"— Presentation transcript:

1 Panther PRIDE Classroom Expectations and Getting to Know Each Other
Week One Panther PRIDE Classroom Expectations and Getting to Know Each Other

2 August 10, 2016 - Welcome to the New School Year!!!
Dear SCHOLARS, I am so excited to get to know you guys this year! It is going to be a great year! No matter what how you have felt about school before, this is a fresh start!! First, answer these questions on your note card! What is your name? When is your birthday? What is your favorite snack and candy? What is one thing you enjoy doing?

3 SWBT - SCHOLARS Will Be Able To...
1)I will be able to explain what SCHOLAR stands for and explain the classroom expectations. (SL6.1) 2) I will share about myself and learn about others in our class. (SL6.1)

4 Let’s Build Our Community!!
Now that you have filled out your survey, Turn to your table partner. Share your name and one answer you wrote on your index card! Take notes! Then, let your partner share their name and answer. Then, you will introduce your partner and their one fact to the class, and they will introduce you!

5 Who is Mrs. Burke?

6 Let’s Build Our Community!!
Now that you have filled out your survey, Turn to your table partner. Share your name and one answer you wrote on your survey! Take notes! Then, let your partner share their name and answer. Then, you will introduce your partner and their one fact to the class, and they will introduce you!

7 Write down the underlined letters or words on your sheet, so you can do your assignment! :)
In this classroom, we ALWAYS show Panther Pride P Prepared to do proficient work! R Responsible and Respectful to Myself and Others I Inspired to Improve Daily D Diligent and Dependable E Enthusiastic about learning

8 Panther PRIDE Classroom Top Five!!
1. Be on time to class every day! I will miss you if you are not here! 2. Come prepared and keep electronics up! I promise class is better than your phone! 3. Listen when others are speaking! Remember to SLANT when listening to others! Do not bully others. 4. Stay seated unless given permission to be up! Movement can distract others! 5. Finish all of your work! Scholars never give up!

9 Privileges for Meeting the PANTHER PRIDE Top Five!
1) Great grades = You being SMART!! 2) You earn PRIDE Bucks to spend every Friday! You can cash in your bucks for: Free Friday seating in the cafeteria Snacks Library pass

10 Consequences for Ignoring the Panther PRIDE.
Classroom Behavior Issues 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense Cussing, Yelling, Horseplay, Defiance, Talking/Distraction, Rude, Disrespectful, Teacher Conference, Parent Phone Call, and Written Warning. Parent Phone Call, Written Warning, and Lunch Detention. Parent Phone Call, Written Warning, and 3 Days of Lunch Detention OR 1 day after school detention. Becomes a MAJOR referral for overt defiance. 1-3 days of ISAP assigned by administrator.

11 Consequences for Ignoring Panther PRIDE.
Classroom Behavior Issues 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense Cell Phone or Device Student warning/Pick up from office at end of day. Parent must be pick up phone. 1 day of ISAP and parent must come get phone, School keeps phone for whole school year, parent may pick up at end of school year. Inappropriate Website No Internet for a month. No Internet for whole school year. 3 days of ISAP. 3 day suspension. Tardy +3 1 day detention 2 day detention 4 day detention 6 day detention

12 Consequences for Ignoring Panther PRIDE.
Classroom Behavior Issues 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense Abusive Language/Threats 1 day of ISAP 3 days of ISAP 5 days of ISAP 5 day OOSS Fight 3 day OOSS 5 days OOSS Placement at BAC Bullying 1-3 days of ISAP 3-5 days of ISAP 3 days OOSS Skipping Class 5 day suspension

13 Consequences for Ignoring Panther PRIDE.
Classroom Behavior Issues 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense 4th Offense PDA (hand-holding, kissing, and so on) 1 day of ISAP 3 days of ISAP 5 days of ISAP 5 day suspsension Lying/Cheating 1 day of ISAP, re-do work 3 days of ISAP, re-do assignment with failing grade 5 days of ISAP, re-do assignment with failing grade Drugs/Alcohol 3 days of OOSS, report to police 10 days of OOSS, report to police 10 days OOSS< Recommendation for alternative placement Skipping Class 5 day suspension

14 How do Panthers act in class? Let’s Learn to SLANT!!
Sit Up, Listen, Ask and Answer Questions, Nod to Show understanding, and Track the speaker (follow the speaker with your head and eyes, pay attention to whoever is speaking)

15 Panther PRIDE Classroom Team “Handshakes” (what we do everyday!)
If you need to sharpen your pencil, simply hold it up in the air quietly till I see. Raise your hand if you need help. Only if we raise our hands, can we know to SLANT. When I need to get your attention, I will say, “Hands on top”, you put your hands up and say “that means stop.” When we are lining up for transitions to and from class, I will get your attention, and ask, “All set?” Your answer is, “You bet!” so we can walk!

16 Drawing About Reading On the back of your Panther PRIDE notes, draw a line that divides your paper into two halves. On the first half, draw a picture describing how your past experiences with reading and how you feel about it. On the second half, draw a picture about a book or story that was influential to you as a child.

17 Don’t Forget!! Tomorrow, don’t forget to bring back:
Your signed syllabus form! You get a grade for this! Getting to know you form. Welcome to 6th grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is going to be great!

18 August 11, 2016 - So Glad You Are Here!!
Dear Mrs. Burke’s SCHOLARS, Good morning! I am so glad you are back for another day! It is going to be a great day! First things first. Copy down the SWBT in your agenda. Then, take 20 minutes to complete the pre-assessment on your desk. This will help me know where you are at in reading. Then. complete the reading survey which will help us know how you think as a reader. SWBT: (SCHOLARS Will Be Able To…) I can explain how I feel about reading and identify some Of my strengths and challenges with reading. (SL6.1) I can write a letter to myself about this school year. (W6.1)

19 Who Will You Be One Year From Now?!
You will change a lot this 6th grade year! I want you to see how you grew, so you are going to write a letter to yourself and I will keep it to give back you when you finish 6th grade! I will not read your letter, so no worries! You have 15 minutes! Answer these questions: What are you the most excited about for this school year? What are you the most nervous about for this school year? What memories do you hope to make this school year? What subject do you hope to grow the most in? What is your favorite kind of music, food, and games right now?

20 How Do SCHOLARS Start and End Day?
So, I don’t know about you, but I like to know what is expected of me everyday!! Here is how we enter and exit class! Everyday, you will have an entrance/exit slip. Here’s how it works. I will give it to you when you enter the class. You immediately come in and start copying down the SWBAT on the board. Tell me how your day is. Tell me how you feel about today’s SWBAT (do you know it already or no?) Hold on to it to the end, when you will think about what you learned. Hand it to me on your way out as your ticket out the door! Let’s Practice!!! I will put the SWBAT on the board and you try!

21 Time to Say Goodbye for The Day :(
Think back on today’s objectives. How do you feel about them? Did you achieve those goals? I can explain what it is expected of a SCHOLAR. (SL6.1) I can write a letter to myself about this school year. (W6.1) Answer this question on your entrance/exit slip and than when I call you to line up, bring it with you!

22 We are Going to Be Exploring New Worlds!!
Take a look at the stories we are going to be reading! Wonder - The Giver - A Long Walk to Water -

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