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Onset of World War II.

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1 Onset of World War II

2 Agenda Bell Ringer: Quick Review of Interwar Period (5)
Lecture: Beginning of World War II (20) Lend-Lease Act Quote (10) Wartime Propaganda Analysis (15) Changing the view of kids… Propaganda within cartoons. (15) Quick Review of WWII (5) HW: Study for your test on Tuesday.

3 Quick Review Interwar Period
Who is the leader of Italy during this time period? What type of government exists in Italy and Germany? What are Nuremburg Laws? How does Hitler come to power? What effect does the Great Depression have on Germany? How is the Soviet Union affected by the Great Depression? What is the Munich Conference? Describe the Mandate System. What is Stalin’s Great Purge? What is the purpose of the Five Year Plan?

4 Hitler and Blitzkrieg Hitler invades Poland to get back territory lost in World War I. Stalin signs non-aggression pact in August, 1939. Hitler promised Stalin territory, including half of Poland. Blitzkrieg = lightning war.

5 A New War Germany invades Poland, using fast moving planes followed by a large infantry. Soviets move into Eastern Poland, has resistance from Finland. Finnish Winter keeps Soviets at bay, but they finally win in 1940.

6 The Phony War Seven months after the fall of Poland, very little fighting. German soldiers called it the “sitzkrieg.” France and Britain took the time to mobilize forces. It ends when Hitler launches an attack on Denmark and Norway.

7 The Fall of France June, 1940, Mussolini declares war on Britain and France. Paris falls on June 14th, and France surrenders. Northern France is controlled by Nazis, and Southern France by a “Puppet Government” Charles de Gaulle flees to London, creates a resistance force to fight the Nazis.

8 Battle of Britain Winston Churchill is Prime Minister of Great Britain. Hitler launches Operation Sea Lion Knock out RAF, and land Nazi troops on the shores of Britain. Constant airraids over Britain lasted for months. Radar and Enigma Machine help Britain survive.

9 The Eastern Front Italy tried to attack British controlled Egypt.
Britain fights back, taking nearly 130 Italian prisoners. General Erwin Rommel of Germany helps Italian forces, and they fight through 1942.

10 Hitler invades the Soviet Union
Hitler has Balkans’ allegiance in 1941. He invades Soviet Union in Blitzkrieg tactics work well until the Russians burn everything as they retreat. In an attempt to gain Moscow, they are forced into Russian Winter.

11 The United States Lend-Lease Act allowed Roosevelt to help any country vital to the United States. Kept America neutral, but mobilization to a war economy brings the United States out of the Great Depression.


13 Review Which event marks the beginning of World War II?
What is Blitzkrieg? How does Hitler avoid a two-front war? What happens after the fall of France? What is the “phony war”? When did it occur? How does Germany plan on attacking Britain? What new technologies help Britain survive the attack? What is the Lend-Lease Act?

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