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Connecticut Core Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy

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Presentation on theme: "Connecticut Core Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecticut Core Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy
Systems of Professional Learning (Slides 1-5, including the Pre-assessment, will take about 10 minutes total.) Module 1 Grades 6–12: Focus on Instructional Shifts

2 Public Consulting Group
4/30/2019 Activity 7 Reflect, Pair, Share Page 39

3 Activity 7: Reflect, Pair, Share
Public Consulting Group 4/30/2019 Activity 7: Reflect, Pair, Share Reflect, Pair, Share Review your notes and activities from today Jot down 3–4 items addressed today that have the greatest implications for instructional practice in your school Compare your notes with a partner at your table Decide on a shared list of 3–4 items Compare your list with other pairs at your table Decide on a prioritized list of 3–4 items for your table (Allow 20 minutes for this activity. 5 minutes for individual work, 5 minutes with partner, 5 minutes with table, 5 minutes for share out. Adjust time as needed.)

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