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Confidentiality in Schools: Answering the Necessary Questions

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Presentation on theme: "Confidentiality in Schools: Answering the Necessary Questions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Confidentiality in Schools: Answering the Necessary Questions

2 Why do staff have to be trained every year on the topic of confidentiality?
To comply with district, state, and federal guidelines: FERPA: Family Education Rights and Privacy Act IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Section 504: Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Copyright Law Code of Federal Regulations: 34 CFR, Parts 99, 300

3 What is the purpose of confidentiality laws?
a. To PROTECT the confidentiality of a student’s educational records b. To give parents the RIGHT TO INSPECT their student’s educational records

4 Who has the right to review/inspect educational records?
Parent Eligible Student School Officials with a Legitimate Educational Interest (including “receiving” districts) Monitoring Teams Courts or Personnel Acting on Behalf of the Courts

5 Parental Rule of Thumb:
How would I feel if my child was being discussed like this??

6 Where are “dangerous” places to breach confidentiality?
Teacher’s lounge Bus Barn Bathrooms Wal-mart Church Can you think of others??

7 Please Remember: Breaches of Confidentiality = Increased Liability… Loose Lips Sink Ships!!

8 If you have questions about your responsibility in protecting confidentiality, please contact: Kami Manley, Human Resources Director (520)

9 Confidentiality in Schools
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