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Kustovskaya secondary school

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Presentation on theme: "Kustovskaya secondary school"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kustovskaya secondary school
Is it easy to be young? Was done by: students of 10th form Rogiz J. and Toporkova V. 2007

2 Aims to introduce grown-ups with teens problems to find reasons of them to compare our problems with adults to tell about our life


4 Do you want to know what kind of problems teens have
Do you want to know what kind of problems teens have? Teenage years - do they Bring Luck? Drug addiction Drinking problems Violence Poverty Discrimination Cruelty Aggressiveness Family, school and personal problems Pregnancy


6 Our parents allow :


8 We want to say, that we have a lot of complaints
We dislike, that we live in a village! System of education simply «kills us»! We hate treasures in our society!

9 The complaints of my friends:
10% 20% 30% 40%

10 We think that all children were born for happiness.
Conclusion We think that all children were born for happiness. Do you agree with us?

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