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(Mr. Wright can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves)

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1 (Mr. Wright can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves)
AP GOV TEST #5 REVIEW (Mr. Wright can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves)

2 WHY YOU HATE POTPOURRI EXECUTIVE BRANCH MASS MEDIA LIMITATIONS 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 CHIEF DIPLOMAT The role pictured here...

4 It’s one of the four functions of the media that you see here:
SCORE KEEPER FUNCTION It’s one of the four functions of the media that you see here:

5 EQUAL TIME RULE In order to ensure that MSNBC doesn’t simply run Elizabeth Warren 2020 commercials, the FCC imposed this rule.

6 IMPOUNDMENT If this Presidential power to stop funds being spent had a weight, it would be sixteen ounces.

7 HOUSE/SENATE It’s where Articles of Impeachment are passed, and it’s where POTUS would go on trial.

8 LEAKS Friction between the Executive and Legislative braches explains the sheer volume OF no, not water, but of these nonetheless…

9 35% Six companies owning 90% of the media is fine, but one company owning more than this percentage is not.

10 5 (The number of electoral votes needed to win / maximum number of years a President can serve) – the number of the Amendment that says so equals…

11 DIVIDED GOVERNMENT Democrat-controlled House, Republican-controlled Senate, Republican President-some say you’re gonna have a rough time-or are you?

12 SELECTIVE ATTENTION Term for the fact that even though the majority of Americans know of the media’s primarily liberal bias, they either like it, or can pick another source from which to get their news.

13 EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE Specific name of the power limited by SCOTUS’ decision in U.S. v Nixon.

14 100 The number of years a presidential candidate must reside in the U.S., plus his minimum age, plus the number of states that use the winner-take-all system plus the minimum number of electoral votes a state has equals…

15 THE BULLY PULPIT The term for this unique Presidential power to get things done, coined by the man you see here doing it-like a BOSS!

16 LEGISLATIVE/C-SPAN It is the only branch to have its own channel-name the branch, name the channel.

17 It must fall within one of POTUS’ enumerated powers/Must result from a law passed by Congress
DAILY DOUBLE For an executive order to be legal, it requires one of two formal legalities-name either one.

Two things the President cannot veto…

19 EXECUTIVE AGREEMENTS Congress, shmongress-Presidential power expanded when POTUS began making these deals with the leaders of foreign countries without the advice and consent of the Senate.

Ironic name notwithstanding, Josh Ernest’s job is to answer the questions of the White House Press Corps. Name the job-and the President who created it.

21 NYT v U.S. Our government knew it, the North Vietnamese knew it, and SCOTUS said that classified or not, the American people had a right to know it too.

22 (12+538)/25=22 DAILY DOUBLE (The number of congressmen in a state with fourteen electoral votes + the total number of electoral votes) / DIVIDED BY THE NUMBER OF THE AMENDMENT WHICH covers presidential disability equals…



25 11 (The number of presidents who have been assassinated X the number of presidents who have been impeached) + (the number that have resigned + the number that have served non-consecutive terms + the number that have served on the Supreme Court after their administration).

26 10 (The number of presidents who have been assassinated X the number of presidents who have been impeached) + (the number that have resigned + the number that have served non-consecutive terms).

27 RULE OF PROPINQUITY It’s not the size of your office, it’s also how close it is to the President’s

28 Cabinet Department which administers the agency you see depicted here:
TREASURY Cabinet Department which administers the agency you see depicted here:

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