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STALIN 1879-1953.

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2 Thank Comrade Stalin for this happy life.
JOSEPH STALIN Thank Comrade Stalin for this happy life. Changed name to Stalin = Man of Steel 1928 in total control of Communist Party Forced Trotsky into exile in 1929 In 1940 Stalin’s agents killed him in Mexico with an ice pick.

3 Totalitarianism A government that takes total control over EVERY aspect of public & private life. Command Economy—the government make all economic decisions.

4 Problems for the USSR Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (USSR)
1921 industrial output was only 1/5 the size that it was in 1913 before the war Ukrainian Famine created by the government to crush Ukrainian nationalist (killed 5 Million people!) Agricultural outputs were at an all time low.

5 Five Year Plans ( , ) years behind industrialized countries and if the Soviet Union did not catch up they would be conquered 5 year plans High quotas to increase steel, coal, oil & electricity It worked, industrial output skyrocketed But government limited production of consumer goods to meet quotas = Shortages in housing, food, clothing

6 Collective Farming 1980s—USSR USSR seized 25 million farms
Combined them into collective farms 100s of families were living in one large farm No privacy, easier for government to control 5-10 million died Kulaks (wealthy peasants) resisted They were executed 1980s—USSR

7 Weapons of Totalitarianism
Police Terror Secret police arrested & executed MILLIONS of so-called traitors Gulags-Hard labor camps in Siberia Great Purges Eliminate anyone who threatened Stalin’s power Show Trails to trick the public into thinking that they were necessary Killed 8-13 millions people by 1939

8 Weapons of Totalitarianism
Censorship &Propaganda Socialist Realism Artistic style that praised Soviet life & Communist Values Religious Persecution Religion was labeled the “opium of the masses and banned Churches=Museums of Atheism

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