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Behavioral Finance Economics 437.

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1 Behavioral Finance Economics 437

2 Imagine that one in every thousand athletes use steroids
Imagine that one in every thousand athletes use steroids. Imagine also that the test for steroids has a 5 % false positive rate. If a particular athlete tested positive for steroids what is the probability that that athlete was a steroid user [0.001] [0.020] [0.65] [0.95]

3 A Few More Thoughts on Expected Utility

4 Expected Utility Theory
Begin with a utility function defined only for certain dollar amounts: Increasing in wealth (positive marginal utility) Risk averse (diminishing marginal utility) Then, using U(W), define expected utility as: U(lottery) = p1 U(X1) + p2 U(X2) Expected Utility is the “expected value of utility gained from different outcomes (X’s)” If U(W) = W, then expected utility equals expected value

5 Risk Aversion U(Y) Utility αU(X) + (1 – α)U(Y) U(X) Wealth X Y

6 Risk Preference U(Y) Utility αU(X) + (1 – α)U(Y) U(X) Wealth X Y

7 A Dilemna US is preparing for the outbreak of an unusual foreign disease which is expected to kill 600 people Program A: 200 people will be saved Program B: 1/3 probability that 600 will be saved; 2/3 probability that no one will be saved

8 Another Dilemna Program C: If adopted 400 people will die
Program D: 1/3 probability that no one will die and 2/3 probability that 600 people will die

9 Concurrent Decisions:
Choose Between: A: A sure gain of $ 240 B: 25 % gain of $ 1,000 and 75 % chance to gain nothing C: A sure loss of $ 750 D: 75 % chance to lose $ 1,000 and 25 % chance to lose nothing

10 Oops If you chose A & D: {B & C} dominates {A & D} Choose Between:
A: A sure gain of $ 240 B: 25 % gain of $ 1,000 and 75 % chance to gain nothing C: A sure loss of $ 750 D: 75 % chance to lose $ 1,000 and 25 % chance to lose nothing If you chose A & D: 25 % gain of $ 240 and 75 % chance to lose $ 760 {B & C} dominates {A & D} 25 % gain of $ 250 and 75 % chance to lose $ 750

11 Make a choice You have been given $ 2,000
Choose between A and B A: 50 % chance of losing $ 1,000 or receiving nothing B: A sure loss of $ 500

12 Make a choice You have been given $ 1,000
Choose between C and D C: 50 % chance of winning $ 1,000 or receiving nothing D: A sure $ 500

13 Make a choice Choose between A and B (assuming you have been given $ 1,000) A: 50 % chance of winning $ 1,000 B: A sure gain of $ 500 Choose between C and D (assuming you have been given $ 2,000) C: 50 % chance of losing $ 1,000 or receiving nothing D: A sure loss of $ 500 A and C are identical B and D are identical

14 Another Choice Which would you prefer? A: Certain gain of $ 30
B: 80% chance to win $ 45 and 20% chance to win $ 0

15 Another C: 25 % chance to win $ 30 and 75 % chance to win nothing, or
D: 20 % chance to win $ 45 and 80 % chance to win nothing

16 And again A Two Stage Game
75 % chance of ending the game winning nothing and 25 % chance of going to second stage of the game At second stage R:Certain win of $ 30, or S:80% chance to win $ 45 and 20% chance to win nothing

17 Two kinds of schools School A has 65 % boys; 35 % girls
School B has 45 % boys; 55 % girls A class has 55 % boys: Which school is it most likely to be taken from?

18 The End

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