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Proposed Operating Budget

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1 Proposed Operating Budget
FY ‘20

2 Overview Fiscal Year ‘20 is the second year of the State Budget Biennium. We are optimistic regarding the Governor's request for a 5% raise for teachers over the course of the current biennium as it currently appears to have the support of both sides of the aisle in the General Assembly. As MLWGS teachers received a 2% raise for FY 19, this budget supports a 3% raise for FY 20. This budget is based off of number provided by the DOE that includes the 5% raise. We are proposing a modest budget increase to address the needs of the school and to continue to fund capital projects.

3 Revenue

4 Total Increase: $212,033 (2.4%) Revenue Overview Fiscal Year Amount
FY ‘19 $8,560,446 FY ’20 $8,772,479 Total Increase: $212,033 (2.4%)

5 Total FY ‘20: $8,772,479 Revenue Detail Description Amount
Local Contribution: 756 students x $8,234 (2% per student increase) $6,224,904 Building Rental $7,000 Free Lunch Receipts $8,000 Dual Enrollment $50,000 Technology Initiative $26,000 Building Reserve and Carryover State Contribution $150,000 $2,306,575 Total FY ‘20: $8,772,479

6 Expenses

7 Expenses Overview FY ‘20: $8,772,479

8 Expense Detail-Additions
Description Amount Service Contracts (Instructional) $34,047 Building Service Contracts $33,000 Salary/Benefits $193,073 (Provides 3% raises) Repair/Maintenance Equipment $26562 Textbooks $29,189 Technology $17,888 Total: $373,794* *And incremental increases for inflation in certain areas

9 Expense Detail-Reductions
Description Amount Long Term Disability $9,140 Non-Professional Consultants $9,910 Insurance $18,876 Custodial Supplies $17,200 Building Reserves $1,532 Classroom Furniture $3,112 Total: $87,408

10 Conclusion

11 Thoughts Going Forward
Funding Outlook for FY’21 Capital Improvement Continues to be a Challenge

12 Next Steps March 21 - Budget Public Hearing
April 18 - Request for Budget Approval

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