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Principles of Company’s Economy
Building Industry as a Part of National Economy
Principles of Firm’s Economy
Framework of a Subject Building industry as a part of national economy Building market, subjects of a building market, building company and its foundation, production, management, planning and organization Investments Company’s finances Taxes Accounting Building production, material, machines and machinery Building production, labor and wages Prices of building works, prices of building objects, budgets Cost management of a building order Marketing, distribution and sale Exam Literature: Marková, L. a kol.: Principles of Economy of Building Firm, CERM s.r.o. Brno, 2002 Principles of Firm’s Economy
Building Industry as a Part of national economy
Building industry as a part of national economy fulfils following functions: Supplier Supplies of buildings Supplies of building works for the realization of new building objects and for their reconstruction, modernization and repairs of existing objects Customer Suppliers become direct customers on the products market Next new customers buying equipment and furniture for just finished building objects enter the products market Principles of Firm’s Economy
Importance of Building Industry in the Frame of National Economy
Ecological Negative influence Positive influence In areas of: Creation of environment and its sustainable development from this aspect Using of new technologies and materials in the production Using of recycled materials Saving of nature resources Principles of Firm’s Economy
Importance of Building Industry in the Frame of National Economy
Economic Mainly in the area of investments that enter all disciplines of national economy, mainly: Production – constructions for industrial and agricultural production and power engineering Living – new house-building, modernization and reconstruction of a housing stock Transport – road, railway and air transport constructions Technical infrastructure – distribution of water, gas, energy, sewerage Social infrastructure – buildings and equipment for services, education and health service Recreation and sport – sport halls, sport grounds, buildings for recreation Principles of Firm’s Economy
Principles of Firm’s Economy
Impact of Building Investments on the Economic Growth of National Economy Investments can be defined as a sacrifice of certain present value on behalf uncertain future value Building investments and their impact on the economic growth of the country Important indicator of the economic growth Impact on aggregate demand and by this on national product and employment They lead to the accumulation of the capital that increase potential national product and in the long time it support the economic growth Principles of Firm’s Economy
Principles of Firm’s Economy
Impact of Building Investments on the Economic Growth of National Economy Economic growth of the state expresses itself in the rate of the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) GDP = C + Ig + G + X where C … Personal consumption expenditure Ig …Gross private domestic investment G … Goverment expenditure on goods and services X … Net export, X) Principles of Firm’s Economy
Impact of Public Administration on the Range of Building Investments
Impact of the public administration on investments: Monetary policy (it influences the discount rate and by it also costs connected with capital) Fiscal policy or budgetary policy From the systematic aspect Public administration State administration Self-government Central government Independent institutions Constitutional court Central bank municipalities regions Supreme control office Ministries next central authorities Principles of Firm’s Economy
Overview of Ministries
Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of Transport Ministry of Finances Ministry of Culture Ministry of Defense Ministry for Regional Development Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Ministry of Justice Ministry of Internal Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Health Service Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Ministry of Environment Principles of Firm’s Economy
Impact of Public Administration on the Range of Building Investments
From the fiscal aspect A. State administration Central government: state budget State funds State fund of environment Funds State fund of culture SF for support and development of cinematography SF of transport infrastructure SF of housing development National property fund of the Czech Republic Land fund of the Czech Republic B. Municipal governments Budgets of municipalities and regions C. Supranational organizations Structural funds of EU Principles of Firm’s Economy
Overview of Technical Disciplines Used in Building Industry
In the building industry there are applied all technical disciplines connected with: Preparation of building-up Realization of building-up Furnishing of the object during its using Repairs, modernizations and reconstructions during use Liquidation of the object Construction process as a whole must be in the result finished in corresponding quality. Management of the quality can be realized by: Determination of technical parameters Determination of optimal values of these parameters Determination of technological procedures during building process Verification of observance of technological procedures and achievement of asked values of parameters Principles of Firm’s Economy
Overview of Economic Disciplines Used in Building Industry
Economic disciplines used in building industry allowing to manage achievement of its efficiency are mainly following: Project management of building construction (planning and organization of activities in the building industry) Investment economics (recognition of the efficiency of building investments, rate of risk and assurance of the groundwork for decisions about investments) Financing (financial assurance of the building production, management of cash flows on building orders, management of the financial efficiency of the company) Valuation of basic levels of building works, valuation of building structures, building objects, sets of building objects, valuation of engineering and project activity and next activities connected with the preparation and realization of building construction Marketing in the building industry (recognition of the situation on the building market, finding of unsatisfied needs of the marked and searching for ways how this needs to satisfy) Principles of Firm’s Economy
Classification of Activities and Outputs of National Economy
In the frame of national economy there are realized economic activities with their outputs in the form of: products of physical character activities or works of production character services (activities of non physical character) For easier and definite orientation in outputs of national economy there were created classification systems sorting activities running in the economy and their outputs. From the time aspect it is possible to recognize: classification systems used before 1990 classification systems used after 1990 Principles of Firm’s Economy
Classification systems created after 1990
Statistical classifications valid from the year of 1993 can be divided into classifications: economic social functional others Economic classifications were transformed as in the first phase and there were created: OKEČ Odvětvová klasifikace ekonomických činností Sectoral classification of economic activities SKP Standardní klasifikace produkce Standard classification of production CZ – CC Klasifikace stavebních děl Classification of building objects Principles of Firm’s Economy
Sectoral classification of economic activities
Category Title A Agriculture B Fishing C Mining of raw materials D Processing industry E Production and distribution of energy, gas, water F Building industry G Business H Accommodation I Transport, communications J Finances, banking, insurance K Realities, services, research, development L Public administration, defense, compulsory social security M Education N Health services O Other public end personal services Principles of Firm’s Economy
Standard classification of production
Standard classification of production is connected and compatible with the classification of production of the EU. Subjects of classifications are: physical products (goods) all industrial, agricultural, wood and other product sold by producer for the next use works of production character (working activities) works focused on the production of new tangible property or its part services (activities) activities not focused on the creation of new tangible assets, as services, repairs, maintenance Main classifying element is a section signed by code of two numbers, then follow next numbers specifying the subject of classification more directly – group class, category, subcategory. For the building industry there is intended section 45 - Building works (works on new structures, reconstructions, modernizations, repairs and maintenance) Principles of Firm’s Economy
Standard classification of production
Section 45 – Building industry is classified in the following way: 45.1 Preparative works for realization 45.2 Fabric - building and engineering constructions 45.3 Building installations 45.4 Internal building works, finishing works 45.5 Lease of machines and equipment with stuff 45.21 Construction works on fabric of buildings and engineering structure 45.22 Roof construction, laying of roofage 45.23 Construction on fabric of communications and airports 45.24 Works on fabric of water constructions 45.25 Specialized building works 45.41 Parging works 45.42 Building locksmithing and joinery 45.43 Facing of walls, covering of floors 45.44 Decorating, lacquering and glazier works 45.45 Other internal works Principles of Firm’s Economy
Classification of building objects
CZ – CC is harmonized with international classifications and from 2004 it is binding classification for statistical survey Scheme of a code: section subsectionl group class subclass Section 1: Buildings 11 Residential buildings 12 Non residential buildings Sekce 2: Engineering constructions 21 Transport constructions 22 Pipage, telecommunication and electric conduction 23 Sets of building objects for industrial purposes 24 Other engineering constructions Example: Principles of Firm’s Economy
Classification Systems Used in the Building Industry before 1990
Jednotná klasifikace stavebních objektů (JKSO) Integrated classification of building objects national classification till now used in the Czech Republic for sorting of building objects and for the costs and prices of building objects assessment For identification of building objects its used 7 numbers Structure of identification code: branch group subgroup construction and material characteristic kind of building action Principles of Firm’s Economy
Principles of Firm’s Economy
Example of Branches Code Title BRANCHES OF BUILDING OBJECTS 801 Buildings of civil construction 802 Halls of civil construction 803 Residential buildings 811 Halls for production and services 812 Buildings for production and services 813 Towers, pylons, stacks 814 Reservoirs, tanks and bins 815 Special land objects 821 Bridges 822 Communications and airports and others … Principles of Firm’s Economy
Classification of Building Constructions and works
Classification of Building Constructions and Works (Třídník stavebních konstrukcí a prací – TSKP) sorts partial results of building production – building works and creates the base e.g. for the structure of budget that serves for the building construction price establishment as a base of the sorting of building construction it was chosen the building section as a function part of a building object Scheme of a code: Group of building sections Building section Kind of construction or work Detailed characteristics Principles of Firm’s Economy
Overview of Groups of Building Sections
Number Title of group of building sections General construction and works 1 Earthworks 2 Foundations, special foundations 3 Vertical and complete constructions 4 Horizontal constructions 5 Communications 6 Construction of surfaces, floors 7 Associated building production (handcrafts, installations) 8 Pipage, conduction 9 Finishing works, demolitions Principles of Firm’s Economy
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