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My Grade ________________

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1 My Grade ________________
many of these apply to you and how big the problem was. _______________________________________________________________________ What grade you think you deserve? ____________ Why? _______________________ drawing was off, too many drastic jumps in value, edges not sharp, B- & lower: below are areas that may have been areas that needed attention A+: Well drawn, sharp edges without outlining, Pipes look rounded, Interesting in your project. Your grade depended on how A: Well drawn, Interesting composition, there are a few areas that needed Pipes looked fuzzy- needed to work at creating a neater, more definite edge B+: Well done but had weakness in one or more of the following areas: more attention paid to value or keeping edges defined B: Same as above but had more areas that showed these problems Drastic jumps in value- needed to work at using more mid values Needed a wider range of values so pipes look more rounded A-: Same as above but more areas that needed attention needed more pipes in the composition Pipes looked outlined- needed to blend better Needed more pipes in composition Drawing needed more attention composition Pipe Grading

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