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Hardware Terms Amna.

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Presentation on theme: "Hardware Terms Amna."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hardware Terms Amna

2 Central Processing Unit
The part of a computer that does most of the processing; "the CPU and the memory form the Central Processing Unit.”

3 Motherboard A motherboard is the central circuit board in some electronic systems.

4 Random Access Memory random-access memory: the most common computer memory which can be used by programs.

5 Expansion Connections
slot for an expansion card that proccess with a computer's internal circuitry

6 Floppy Disk Drive A floppy disk is a data storage that is composed of a disk of thin, magnetic storage encased in a square.

7 Hard Disk Drive A hard disk drive is a storage device which stores data on y rotating platters with magnetic surfaces like CD/DVD.

8 Compact Disk Drive Other CD formats include CD-ROM, is a form of CD that is read by computer using a CD-ROM drive.

9 Sound Card is a computer expansion card that facilitates the input and output of audio signals.

10 Graphic Card a graphics accelerator card, display adapter, or graphics card, is an expansion card whose function is to generate.

11 Modem electronic equipment consisting of a device used to connect computers by a telephone line.

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