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Literature and methods Amir Tavanaei Dr. Vijay Raghavan

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Presentation on theme: "Literature and methods Amir Tavanaei Dr. Vijay Raghavan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Literature and methods Amir Tavanaei Dr. Vijay Raghavan
RANKING PROJECT Literature and methods Amir Tavanaei Dr. Vijay Raghavan

2 Data Multi-attribute samples Goal: How? Numerical and ordinal
Ranking the samples using Accumulating, Partial ordering, or Learning methods How?

3 Accumulating Method Each sample is represented by D values:
The simplest method (just to mention) More advanced: The problem is to find the weights!

4 Attribute weights Hand-crafted weight values (heuristic) Correlation
Clustering PCA-Varimax (It needs many pre- and post processing tasks) Partial Ordering (next slide) Learning and Regression (using comparable samples)

5 Partial Ordering can Find the Attribute Impact
Partial order investigation for sensitivity analysis* Method: Original Hass diagram Removing attributes one at a time Finding new Hass diagram Difference between original Hass diagram and the new one describes the attribute’s importance *: Paola Annoni, R. Bruggemann, A. Saltelli, 2011 (I have a copy of their book in my documents)

6 Learning To Rank Learning refers to weight adjustment to show the variable impacts. Supervised Classification Ordinal categories are used Unsupervised There is no class label

7 Unsupervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning to rank is the project goal. What we have: Dataset containing multi-criteria samples What we need: Ranking the samples using unsupervised learning Probable methods: Using partially ranked samples Clustering as pre-processing

8 Project Requirements An introduction describing unsupervised learning to rank methods. Following a method and implementing it. Finding a way (by going through literatures. New ideas are also welcome) to find the ranking performance. Evaluating the model. Report

9 Contact Me! What I can give you: I am available:
Papers explaining learning to rank (Supervised and Unsupervised). Dataset I am available: Monday, Thursday, Friday at CVDI Lab, Abdollah Hall Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday at CACS, #356

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