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Chapter 4: Formulating the Method

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1 Chapter 4: Formulating the Method
SFM 651: Research Methods Dr. Johnson

2 Methods section Participants Instruments used Procedures
Design and analysis

3 Why bother To explain how the study was conducted What did you do
How did you do it Who did you use and why How did you identify them

4 Detail In a thesis, you have time / room / space / words to write things out. In an article, space is usually limited Page numbers Words

5 Why do it To make sure that people know EXACTLY what you did and how you did it Get the same result if they do the same study To show that what you did actually occurred Your result Did we miss something Increased shoes size relates to more Math knowledge

6 Don’t overdo it Start with a simple idea.
Do not try to make your study too complex or too detailed Do something you can manage

7 Participants How do you get them Need to identify a target
Need to ask permission Tell them what they would be doing Explain risks Sign a form Is it a good sample Who they represent Total number 10 vs 100

8 Telling about them Tell us details Exact numbers
Include any omitted data Quit the study Failed to collect data Equipment malfunctions What other details ae important

9 Instruments What types of “stuff” did you use
Why did you chose to use it Easy Reliable Trained on it Could something else have been used How and when did you use them

10 Procedures This is where you explain how the data was obtained
Who gave the tests How they were given How much time was taken Order (if important) Explanations to participants

11 Pilot studies Smaller versions of the larger study
Done to “try it out” first Fix any mistakes before doing a bigger study

12 Design and analysis How did you control your variables
Isolate them Only looked at the one variable – all others constant How was the data analyzed What types of tests used What systems

13 Cause and effect Did one thing really cause another to happen
Or was it coincidence Do Dogs hate cats, or does THAT dog hate THAT cat?

14 Manipulation How do you make sure that your data is accurate Devices
No one is cheating Devices Heart rate monitor FitBit Other?

15 Flaws Is the hypothesis logical Are assumptions good
Do you have the “right” participants Are treatments correct Are measures valid and reliable Is data collection being done carefully Are variables controlled

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