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Working Party “Agriculture and Environment” 7-8 October 2010 EUROSTAT, Luxembourg Noura Takrouri-Jolly, Statistician, OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate,

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Presentation on theme: "Working Party “Agriculture and Environment” 7-8 October 2010 EUROSTAT, Luxembourg Noura Takrouri-Jolly, Statistician, OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working Party “Agriculture and Environment” 7-8 October 2010 EUROSTAT, Luxembourg
Noura Takrouri-Jolly, Statistician, OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate, Paris, France

2 Two publications In 2008 OECD published:
Environmental Performance of Agriculture in OECD Countries since 1990 Environmental Performance of Agriculture at a Glance AEI Online database:

3 AEI Online database

4 AEI Online database : main access

5 AEI Online database : main access

6 AEI Online database : theme selection

7 AEI Online database: theme selection

8 AEI Online database: metadata

9 AEI Online database : metadata

10 AEI Online database : data export

11 AEI Online database : data export

12 AEI Online database : data export

13 AEI Online database : data export

14 AEI Online database : data export

15 Current OECD Work 2nd edition of « Environmental Performance of Agriculture at a Glance » Country coverage: 30 OECD members (including EU 21) plus 4 new OECD members (2010) Chile, Israel, Estonia and Slovenia.

16 Indicators 1/3 The report to include the following 13 indicators:
Water use (agricultural water use) Ammonia (agricultural ammonia) Methyl Bromide (methyl bromide use) Greenhouse Gases (agricultural and national greenhouse gas emissions)

17 Indicators 2/3 5. Wild Species Diversity (group of breeding bird species) 6. Nutrients (quantity of nitrogen/phosphate inputs and outputs from farming ) 7. Pesticides (quantity of pesticide use) 8. Energy (direct on-farm energy consumption) 9. Land (agricultural land, arable crops, permanent crops and pasture, under organic farming and under transgenic crops)

18 Indicators 3/3 After discussion at JWP June 2010 request to add following indicators: Soil Erosion Water Quality

19 Main data sources for 2nd edition
Joint OECD/Eurostat Questionnaire on the State of Environment for some indicators (e.g. water use) OECD and EUROSTAT Secretariat will pre-fill data for some indicators already collected by other international organisations EUROSTAT AEI questionnaire responses already circulated for EU 27 members states, but not yet circulated to non-EU countries

20 Collect data Collaboration between EUROSTAT and OECD
OECD and EUROSTAT work with a common questionnaire EUROSTAT to collect data for EU 27 countries + Norway + Switzerland OECD Secretariat to collect data for other OECD countries: Australia, Canada, Chile, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Turkey and the United States

21 Next steps Next steps: 2010 - 2011
November – February: Bilateral consultation with countries to verify data JWP 6-8 December 2010 March – May: Preparation of report Draft report: June 2011 JWP Final report : December 2011 JWP

22 Thank you for your attention Tel: + 33 (0) 1 45 24 92 49 E-mail: noura
Thank you for your attention Tel: + 33 (0)

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