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GCSE PE Theory. Mr. Leighton. Lesson 8/9/10.
Methods of Training… GCSE PE Theory. Mr. Leighton. Lesson 8/9/10.
Today’s Session… All of us will understand what the 6 different training methods are. Most of us will understand the advantages of the first 2 types of training INTERVAL and CONTINUOUS. Some of us will be able to attempt the exam style questions and achieve full marks.
The Methods of Training…
Each type of training is designed for a specific purpose and are aimed to improve specific areas of fitness… These are… Interval Continuous Fartlek Circuit Weight Cross.
So what is Interval Training?
Suited to many sports- swimming and athletics through to team games. Q: Why does it suit team games? A: Short bursts of activity followed by jogging or walking. It can be done alone, in pairs or with a team. The aim is to have a high intensity, quality workout. Q: What areas of fitness can this improve?
The advantages of Interval training…
Interval training is designed to improve speed but also improves CV Fitness. It is high intensity and always done at pace. It includes repeated actions necessary to a particular sport at pace which is anaerobic. Includes a rest period. HR can be measured and shown in graphical form to allow evaluation and comparisons in sessions. Takes place in short bursts- prevents boredom. Repetitions of high quality work- helps raise the pulse to near maximum.
Interval Training in Sport…
Interval training is particularly important in Sprinting… What principle of training is being used? (2) A: Specificity
Continuous Training… A: Pre or Off season
Continuous training is steady training. Working HR is not very high (intensity) There are no rest periods- why? Session usually lasts for mins. Suits a sedentary adult and improves CV endurance- why does it suit them? High impact/ intensity exercise might be unwise. Q: For a sportsman/woman when do you think this training would be best suited? A: Pre or Off season
The advantages of Continuous Training.
Improves aerobic fitness and includes long, comparatively slow activity. It is very cheap apart from footwear in the case of running. Can be done individually or in a group. Suitable to improve health and fitness. Can be done at a variety of paces. Can be adapted to individual needs and use the FITT principle… How?
Exam Style Question… Steve is a father of 3 who works in the city and spends most of his time behind a desk. He has a good background in fitness having swam for a club when he was younger but he has let his fitness levels slide quite a lot. He only has around an hour to train everyday but does have access to a different facilities in his local community. Put yourself in the position of a fitness instructor- what method of training would you advise him to undertake? What types of training would you recommend? Is there anything else you would recommend to him to improve his quality of life? (6)
Fartlek Training… Born in Sweden (predates interval training).
Combination of “Speed” and “Play” . Takes in different terrain/ hills etc. Fartlek training includes sprints of varying distances. Different to Interval training in that the distances are not definitively measures (one tree to the next/ lamp posts etc).
What are the Advantages?
Can be taken into different environments (Aesthetics)… how does this reduce boredom? Can include up and down hills- what is this like? Can include rest periods like interval training or be continuous with intermittent hard and easy running.
Circuit Training… Circuits involve a number of exercises (Stations) arrange as not to work the same muscle consecutively. Sets and Rep’s? Skills Circuit: same idea but using SPECIFIC skills to the performer or performers. Circuits primarily improve muscular endurance, CV Fitness and Circulo-respiratory fitness. What is this?
Task… With your partner design and draw out a circuit for your sport to improve a specific area (skill) or to improve the areas mentioned earlier… What were they? Muscular endurance CV Fitness Circulo-respiratory Fitness Include a number of stations to show that you understand the principles of circuit training. Include the types of music you would use… why?
So what are the Benefits?
Circuit training is better for overall fitness than interval, continuous or fartlek training. Can combine all areas of Health Related Fitness . What are they? Inexpensive equipment if necessary. Includes both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. A wide range of exercises keeps the session interesting. Uses the principle of PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD.
Task… Look at all the circuits designed today…
Vote on the one you think is the best. The best one will be undertaken BY US on Friday! The team which comes 2nd will also be involved in the warm up and cool down. 3rd will choose the music for the session and supply it for Friday! Any Questions? See you Friday
Weight Training… Weight training uses progressive resistance either in the form of the actual weights lifted or the number of times it is lifted (Reps)
What is Weight Training used for?
Increase Muscular Strength Increase Muscular Endurance Increase Speed Develop Muscle Bulk (size) Rehabilitation- Illness or Injury
Who does it suit? Weight training suits people who take part in STRENGTH based events in athletics such as the hammer and shot putt, SPEED based events such as sprinting and long jump and Rugby; which combines ALL AREAS.
What do you need to consider? TASK 1 (15mins)
With a partner design a weight training programme for me (Mr Leighton) You should first design a questionnaire to find out… What my goal is for this programme. How active I am. What are my problem areas? If I have any medical conditions (issues with this?) How many times can I get to the gym to do this session? Once you have done this begin to think about the type of weight training that would best suit me. Design a programme that would include aspects of the F.I.T.T Principle and SMART goal setting. g
How did you do? Areas needed to be considered when planning a weights programme are… Number of exercises Exercises for each muscle group Weights used (S.PO.R+R.R) Number of Reps Number of Sets How fast? Length of rest between activities. Frequency of training (how often)
What are the Advantages?
Can be used to improve Muscular strength, Muscular endurance or Power depending on how the programme is organised. Wide variety of exercises from which to choose. Easy to monitor Progress and Overload.
Cross Training… Cross training is a mixture of all methods of training. This can be used to… Reduce the stresses on a particular part of the body- running on hard ground. Break the monotony of the same exercises. How do you think cross training can be used?
Mr Leighton’s Cross-Training Programme…
Monday: Weights in the gym- upper body and CV Fitness. Wednesday: Fitness/ Skills/unopposed session on the Astro-turf. Thursday: Swimming session- 30 mins of laps Saturday: Game day. Mr Leighton Age 26 Rugby League
What is good about my programme?
Route to excellent all round fitness. Able to maintain and stay motivated. Combination of health and skill-related fitness. Rest Days? Mixture of what types of training? Interval (Weights) Fartlek (Unopposed) Interval (Swimming) Competition (Game day)
Remember… Cross training is a combination of training methods, not activities. I.e.It does not mean playing football one day, swimming the day after and badminton the next-they all need to have a purpose.
Advantages of Cross Training…
Allows for a variety of training and can therefore make training interesting. Train with different people on different activities- social? Or you could train alone. Muscles can be rested from day to day. Training can be adapted for different conditions e.g. swimming if the weather is bad or gym is busy etc.
Key points from today…
Next week… You need to look over your notes for a test next week.
The test will include… Training Methods. Goal Setting. F.I.T.T Principle S.PO.R.R. (R)
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