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Custodial SU(2) Symmetry

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1 Custodial SU(2) Symmetry
Lecture 5: Custodial SU(2) Symmetry --- custodial SU(2) symmetry of V()

2 -parameter in SM (at tree level) (loop level) a few percent
(at tree level) a consequence of custodial SU(2) symmetry of V() Higgs scalar is SU(2) doublet SU(2)的基础表示 (loop level) a few percent

3  = V()= V(||2)  is SU(2) doublet: 1 + i 2 3 + i 4  get a vev:
V() has a custodial SU(2) symmetry SU(2)的基础表示 1 + i 2 3 + i 4  = V()= V(||2) V() has a large symmetry: O(4)  SU(2)  SU(2) O(4) symmetry reduce to: O(3)  SU(2)  get a vev: 3 Goldstone bosons  triplet of O(3) V() has a custodial O(3)  SU(2) symmetry

4  =  =  =  is SU(2) doublet: 1 + i 2 3 + i 4 Qup - Qdown = +1
equal Qup Qdown Qup - Qdown = +1 + 0 v SSB  = (Y = +1/2) 0 - v  = SSB (Y = -1/2) Q cannot SB only 0 can SB

5  is SU(2) doublet: 3 Goldstone bosons – triplet of custodial SU(2)
(Y = +1/2) Rotate away 3 Goldstone bosons through a SU(2) rotation gauge boson mass

6 gauge boson mass (Y = +1/2)

7 Gauge boson mass 是SU(2) 的基础表示

8 What about several Higgs doublets ?
Will MW=MZ cW still hold ? The answer is: yes ! For each Higgs doublet: the derivation process is same ( with ) finally

9 think: if Higgs is not doublet, ...... ?
gauge boson mass (in detail) = ab ? = 0 ? think: if Higgs is not doublet, ?

10 with SU(2) custodial symmetry
Peskin book: 691, global symmetry SSB 3 Goldstone bosons with SU(2) custodial symmetry


12 Custodial SU(2) Symmetry
(1) talk by V. Pleitez (2) hep-ph/ (3) arXiv: Custodial SU(2) Symmetry

13 SM has some accidental global symmetries
They are not imposed, they are consequence of: Lorentz invariance Gauge invariance Renormalizability Representation content of the model Examples: Baryon number, Lepton number, approximate chiral symmetries

14 SSB: Scalar doublet: Potential: bi-doublet: ?

15 SU(2)L U(1)Y (x) global and local symmetry:

16 的真空态: Then L has a large symmetry
(x) 扩大为 Then L has a large symmetry 的真空态: SSB A1, A2, A3  Z are in a triplet of SU(2)L+R :

17 Yukawa couplings: Extending custodial symmetry to Yukawa sector
Extending custodial symmetry to Yukawa sector Defining bi-doublets: (right-handed neutrinos are needed)

18 Yukawa interactions take the form: invariant under SU(2)LSU(2)R
Yukawa interactions take the form: invariant under SU(2)LSU(2)R SSB Then Yukawa interactions have custodial SU(2) symmetry

19 tree level: loop level: Fermion loops
tree level: loop level: Fermion loops This correction vanishes in the limit of mt=mb e.g., Higgs loops:

20 Summary: custodial SU(2) (tree level)  = 1 +  (loop level) vanish
a symmetry for V() custodial SU(2) broken by Higgs U(1)Y gauge interaction Yukawa interactions custodial SU(2) symmetry for V() (tree level) Higgs scalar is SU(2) doublet  = 1 +  (loop level) turn off U(1)Y (g’=0) (extend custodial SU(2) to gauge interactions) mu = md (extend custodial SU(2) to Yukawa interactions.) vanish

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