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Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC

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1 Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
Draft Mandate for WG-E on Priority Substances Conor Clenaghan EAF PS 02 October 2006

2 Proposed WG Following adoption of Commission Proposal on PS Directive : transform EAF into WG-E on Priority Substances WG-E would deal with WFD priority substances issues Supported by sub-groups / expert groups

3 Proposed WG Short to mid-term Mid-term Long-term
Develop documents / work on issues relevant to WFD in 2006/07 e.g. prioritisation, data collection, EQS setting, CMA Mid-term Develop guidance on provisions of PS Directive following co-decision process (2007/08) Long-term Review WG-E mandate in light of PS Directive negotiation outcome (end 2007?)

4 7 Key Activities Prioritisation Methodology
Aim to propose revised list of substances in 2008 Agree prioritisation methodology as soon as possible (2006) Data Collection and Processing Agreement on data collection exercise (2006) Agreement on data collection template (2006) Data collection and processing (2007)

5 7 Key Activities Environmental Quality Standards
Agree mandate for EQS Expert Group (sub-group) (2006) Expert Group to develop and agree EQS setting methodology (2007) RMS to develop EQS for individual substances (2007/8) Work to be led by other EU institutions or MS Chemical Monitoring Activity ( ) To come under umbrella of WG-E (2006) Support WG-E activities Review/approve CMA deliverables

6 7 Key Activities 5. Emission Controls (2007-2009)
Establish sub-group on emission controls, lead by MS Gather / exchange information on emission controls building on EAF work Identify where priority substances are believed inadequately controlled by EU legislation or national action, and where EU level action may be considered 6. Implementation Guidance (2006/07) Consolidate and develop guidance on implementation of WFD dangerous substances aspects Establish best practices and ensure consistency of approach

7 7 Key Activities 7. PS Directive requirements (2007/08)
Develop guidance on elements arising from proposal Guidance may include: transitional areas of exceedance; inventory of discharges, emissions and losses; compliance testing and compulsory calculation methods for metals.

8 Priority Substances Working Group E Tasks / Deliverables (2007-2009)
STRATEGIC CO-ORDINATION GROUP WG E Prioritisation Data collection Implementation Guidance Directive Guidance WG C (joint meetings) PLENARY CMA (SW/MW, GW) Support WG-E Standardisation QA/QC Data flow quality Practical work Best practices Other Expert Groups? e.g. EG on Emission Controls EG on EQS Guidance on EQS setting EQS datasheets

9 Draft Timetable of Key Activities 2006-2007
EAF PS: 2 October 2006 Consult on: WG-E mandate, Prioritisation Methodology, Data Collection template, EQS EG mandate WG-E PS: 21 November 2006 (if required) Agree Prioritisation Methodology, Agree Data collection template Draft Implementation Guidance Present mandate for EG on emission controls? Preliminary EQS meeting?

10 Draft Timetable of Key Activities 2006-2007
WG-E PS: 13 March 2007 Updates on: Data collection exercise EG on EQS / Emission Controls Draft Implementation Guidance CMA (Plenary 26 March 2007) WG-E PS: 17 October 2007 Present reviewed WG-E mandate Draft mandate for PS Directive work? Plenary of CMA on 16 Oct 2007

11 Lead Countries / Bodies
WG-E Leaders DG Environment Co-chair? CMA Leaders Italy JRC EG-EQS Leaders EU Institution and/or MS? EG-Emission Controls MS? Participants Continuation of EAF – EU institutions, EU MS, Associate and Candidate Countries, industrial and scientific stakeholders, NGOs

12 Next Steps Need Agreement on: General Mandate for WG
Suggested Work Areas Too few / too many / other ideas / work priorities Structure of WG WG Leaders Expert Group leaders Mandate for Expert Groups (see later)

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