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If I could travel anywhere, I would go to...

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Presentation on theme: "If I could travel anywhere, I would go to..."— Presentation transcript:

1 If I could travel anywhere, I would go to...

2 Three Reasons why I want to Travel to Japan
I want to see the country’s landscapes... ..relearn the language... ..And eat the food!

3 Nomizu Cave in Chiba, Japan
The Japanese LandscapeS I would visit Include…. Akiu Great Falls Himeji Castle Nomizu Cave in Chiba, Japan

4 Why I want to relearn Japanese
Relearning the Japanese language has been a task I’ve wanted to complete for several years. Since studying it in college, I haven’t used it much and this upsets me. I didn’t learn something only to forget it a few years later. Therefore, relearning the language would be one of my highest priorities if I travel to Japan. After I relearn the language I would be able to: Become a more effective language teacher Understand Japanese anime better Show more respect at Japanese restaurants by speaking their language.

5 Three Japanese Dishes I would eat are...
Yuba Three Japanese Dishes I would eat are... Owakudani Umi Budo

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