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How was your No Pens Day?.

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Presentation on theme: "How was your No Pens Day?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How was your No Pens Day?

2 Who can remember what we did?
Go through the lessons from the day, talking about what you all did as part of No Pens Day Wednesday. You weren’t allowed to use your pen/pencil, so instead you.... E.g. ‘instead of writing stories, we got in to a group and made one up together’ or ‘we had lots of discussions about our different estimates in science, instead of just writing down what we thought’

3 Did you enjoy No Pens Day Wednesday?
Vote with your feet! Did you enjoy No Pens Day Wednesday? Print out the happy and sad faces and place them at different sides of the classroom. Ask pupils to go and stand near the face that best sums up what they thought about the day and to think of a reason why they chose that one e.g. ‘I went to the really happy face because I really loved all the talking that we did in class’, or ‘I went to the sad face, because I missed doing writing’

4 What was the best bit – what else could have made it better?
Think-pair-share – ask pupils to discuss in pairs what their favourite part of the day was and an idea about how the day could have been even better – come back together as a whole group and ask each pair to share at least one thing they enjoyed, and one thing that they thought could have made their day even better.

5 Would you like to do a No Pens Day Wednesday again?
Vote with your feet! Would you like to do a No Pens Day Wednesday again? Print out the happy and sad faces and place them at different sides of the classroom. Ask pupils to go and stand near the happy face if they would like to do NPDW again, or the sad face if they wouldn’t. Ask some pupils why they made their choice.

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