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Descanso Elementary School Mr. Bordelon, M. S

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1 Descanso Elementary School Mr. Bordelon, M. S
Descanso Elementary School Mr. Bordelon, M.S. Assistant Teaching Principal Science/P.E./Electives Scientific Skills

2 Scientific Process Skills
Classifying Observing Measuring Inferring Communicating Predicting Manipulating Materials Using Numbers Developing Vocabulary Questioning Using Clues

3 Observing Using the senses (or extensions of the senses) to gather information about an object or event. Example: Observing physical properties of rocks and minerals; critical for compare and contrast skills, which are needed for analysis.

4 Measuring Using both standard and non standard measures or estimates to describe the dimensions of an object or event. Making quantitative observations. Example: Measuring the density of minerals.

5 Inferring Making an interpretation or conclusion based on reasoning to explain an observation. Example: Stating the types of life and living conditions from fossil evidence.

6 Classifying Grouping, ordering, arranging, or distributing objects, events, or information into categories based on properties or criteria, according to some method or system. Example: Classifying rocks and minerals; e.g., three major classifications of rocks and their families.

7 Communicating Expressing ideas through speaking or writing. Students may share the results of investigations, collaborate on solving problems, and gather and interpret data both orally and in writing. Using graphs, charts, and diagrams to describe data. Example: Describing an event or set of observations. Participating in brainstorming and hypothesizing before an investigation. Formulating initial and follow-up questions in the study of a topic. Summarizing data, interpreting findings, and offering conclusions. Questioning or refuting previous findings.

8 Predicting Making a forecast of future events or conditions in the context of previous observations and experiences. Example: “Magma containing high levels of silica will cause volcanoes to explode more violently.”

9 Manipulating Materials
Handling or treating materials and equipment skillfully and effectively. Example: Using a rock hammer, hand lens, and sieves to analyze rock samples.

10 Using Numbers Applying mathematical rules or formulas to calculate quantities or determine relationships from basic measurements. Example: Determining the relative thickness of the layers of the earth.

11 Developing Vocabulary
Specialized terminology and unique uses of common words in relation to a given topic need to be identified and given meaning. Example: Using context clues, working definitions, glossaries or dictionaries, word structure (roots, prefixes, suffixes), and synonyms and antonyms to clarify meaning, i.e., sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks; minerals; Moh’s scale; ore; mantle; core; lithosphere; plate tectonics; convergent plate boundaries; divergent plate boundaries.

12 Questioning Questions serve to focus inquiry, determine prior knowledge, and establish purposes or expectations for an investigation. An active search for information is promoted when questions are used. Example: Using what is already known about a topic or concept to formulate questions for further investigation; hypothesizing and predicting prior to gathering data; or formulating questions as new information is acquired.

13 Using Clues Key words and symbols convey significant meaning in messages. Organizational patterns facilitate comprehension of major ideas. Graphic features clarify textual information. Example: listing or underlining words and phrases that carry the most important details, or relating key words together to express a main idea or concept.

14 Sources Logan, L. (2002). Rocks and Minerals, Connecting Students to Science Series: Mark Twain Media, Inc. National Research Council. (1996) National Science Education Standards. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

15 Websites

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