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Thoughts and on-going work on PPP databases, monitoring, indicators…

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1 Thoughts and on-going work on PPP databases, monitoring, indicators…
WG Agriculture and Environment – Pesticide Statistics, Sept 2013 DG SANCO, K. Nienstedt, P Pitton

2 On-going work in the context of Reg 1107/2009
On-going work in the context of Dir 2009/128/EC Our vision: needs and wishes  your views

3 1) Reg 1107/2009: available databases
EU pesticides database DG SANCO website list of authorised active substances under Reg.1107/2009 regularly updated Downloads easily possible (Excel) Application database on Plant Protection Products Authorisations (under development – soon available)

4 PPP authorizations database

5 Authorization details - general
Contains information on the application process of PPPs

6 Application details – uses of product
Contains information on the authorised PPP uses (Art.57 + GAP table)

7 Search functionality

8 How to populate the database?
PPP database Existing information (pilot project with MS) New applications

9 Pilot collaboration project with MS
Sharing and linking already available information on: Applications Products Authorisations

10 Collaboration on public information
PPP authorisations MS1 PPP data DG SANCO PPP data MS2 PPP data MS3 PPP data

11 Collaboration on public information
What is needed: Publicly available PPP authorisations in machine readable format A common vocabulary (EN) Translations in a common language (EN) - or more languages A consolidation mechanism for all data A search mechanism Authorisation from MS to use their public data

12 Scoping the pilot The partners The drivers
Linking 8 PPP datasets from 8 MS 2 main use cases Disambiguate a data resource, e.g. a product or a business. Find integrated information about plant protection products authorised across the EU. AT - Bundesamt für Ernährungssicherheit BE - Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment DE - Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit GR – Ministry of Rural Development and Food HU - Agrinex NL - Board for the Authorisation of Pesticides PL – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development SE – Swedish Chemicals Agency The drivers DG SANCO – business owner ISA Progamme – sponsor

13 Outcome: It worked  The pilot facilitated the sharing and linking of homogenised existing openly available information (pdf, csv, etc.) between 8 MS and DG SANCO on applications for authorisations for the use of PPPs submitted at a national level. The pilot demonstrated: The use of common vocabularies and shared taxonomies for reaching semantic agreements on common concepts between MS and DG SANCO. The importance of commonly agreed identifiers for PPPs and business across MS and DG SANCO The use of Linked Data technologies as a means of facilitating the exchange and integration of data across MS and DG SANCO.

14 PPP Ontology and taxonomies
A shared data model and shared controlled vocabularies were developed under the instruction of DG SANCO to harmonise the heterogeneous data models of the national data sources. PPP Ontology available at: PPP Taxnomies available at:

15 What happened / Next steps
IT working group reviewed PPP application Availability of application for MS Training for MS / industry (1st half 2013) Beta version ¾ of 2013 Publication of 3 first modules 4/4 of 2013 More info at the next SCoFCAH (2/3 Oct 2013)

16 2) Sustainable Use Dir. 2009/128/EC: "TO DO LIST"
Art 15 (+ Annex IV)  Harmonised Risk Indicators Art 7.3  Strategic GD on monitoring and surveying of impacts of pesticide use on HH and the environment

17 Art 15 (+ Annex IV)  Harmonised Risk Indicators
link with pesticide statistics legislation (Art 15.2.a) HAIR project ("suite" of risk indicators) started 2004 (6th FP), finalised 2011 Workshop 2012, 13 MS Feedback from MS (support needed for use and interpretation of results, underlying databases incl PPP use, updates for new scientific developments, use of a reduced set of indicators, …) OECD WG on risk indicators (2013, next meeting 7/8 Oct) further steps t.b.d.

18 Art 7.3  Strategic GD on monitoring and surveying of impacts of pesticide use on HH and the environment Study on existing monitoring and surveillance activities in the EU (outsourced 2012) 1st draft GD intended to be circulated soon for discussion


20 => 12 Sectors analysed
Monitoring and surveillance programmes addressing environment: Monitoring impact of use of pesticides in water Monitoring impact of use of PPP in air Monitoring impact of use of pesticides in soil Monitoring impact of use of pesticides on bees, birds and mammals and other organisms: Honey bees Birds and mammals Other organisms Monitoring impact use of PPP on other biodiversity criteria Monitoring and surveillance programmes addressing human health: Monitoring food and feed residues (MRLs) Monitoring and gathering of information on pesticides acute and chronic poisoning Surveillance on operators and workers Other programmes (environment and human health) Derogations of aerial spraying Implementation of Article 67(2) of Reg 1107/2009: post–autorisation monitoring – case by case)

21 EU requirements in place
Variation in the level of harmonisation EU requirements in place NO EU requirements 2121

22 Conclusions of study on existing monitoring and surveillance activities
Data are collected  Data collection: focus mainly on EU mandatory monitoring programmes (e.g. residues in food and feed, water quality) large diversity of approaches across MS and sectors low level of harmonisation few exchange regarding information and data

23 Conclusions of study on existing monitoring and surveillance activities (cont)
Currently specific IT tools on case by case basis  no global system The current financial climate (budget reduction & cuts) is the main limiting factor for setting-up and implementing programmes. There is need for improving coordination, sharing of data and follow up.

24 3) Our vision  monitoring / surveillance should build on making best use of data already collected
Monitoring / Surveillance of PPP use INTER-LINKING of data Data PPP use (time and space) Data HH and environm. 1st general discussion SUD WG June 2013 (incl. INSPIRE) further discussions SUD WG soon

25 Floor open for discussion…
How to best achieve this vision?

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